Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Deleted member 1

Juhlian, I saw those tweets. I'm on my way!

Lol, these and the Dawhnold, you go, I stay behind! Memes are hilarious. Fucking Raphael.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I basically drove from the west side of Ohio to the east side this weekend, along the southern border. I noticed the same thing. Trump signs everywhere, with Clinton signs nowhere to be found. As in, I didn't see a single one. I easily saw 200+ Trump signs.

Probably not that surprising as my route was largely through countryside and small towns, but I was a little surprised at the volume of Trump signs, and the complete absence of support for Clinton. I did see 1 Gary Johnson sign.

So the score was:
Trump 200+
Gary Johnson 1
Hillary 0


TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
With Everyone hacking these days - even a 15 year old kid hacked the FBI and a 16 year old British kid hacked the director of the CIA. Wouldn't it be a piece of piss to hack in to the voting software and rig an election?

Everyone confused no one attending hillary rallies or have hillary signs. This could be the reason for the rigged polls, so come election day, not many will be surprised when hillary wins by the predicted poll margin.

Deleted member 1

Wouldn't it be a piece of piss to hack in to the voting software and rig an election?

The voting machines used have been shown to be able to be hacked easily all way back to George Bush's first-term.

And the Democratic primary this year there was considerable statistical abnormalities in states where there was not a paper trail. Hillary Clinton did dramatically better in every state in which there was no paper print out to go along with the machine.

I'm not worried about the outside hacking at the machines. To my knowledge they aren't connected to the internet. But there has been some major voting irregularities using these machines for the last decade. I only trust the process there's a paper printout such that there could be a recount. It keeps people honest.

Deleted member 1

Lmao, these Cruz memes are getting spicy

DAHNALDSU-SAN! Assangu needs saving, kursuai!!! I'm ON MY WAY.