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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
The Trump Team Is Seeking To Undercut Robert Mueller's Investigation: The Washington Post reports that Trump aides are focused on undercutting Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe (the New York Times simultaneously reported something similar), which may start to branch out to Trump's business dealings. Meanwhile, Trump has reportedly been asking advisers about his ability to pardon aides, family members and himself.

Trump Administration Using Obamacare Money To Pay For Anti-Obamacare Ads: The Daily Beast reports that the Department of Health and Human Services has been using taxpayer money allocated to the department to shoot and produce a series of "viral" videos that undermine Obamacare. According the the report, the videos are meant to be testimonials about the alleged damage that the ACA has caused. More than 130 videos have been produced from 30 interviews, with contractors charging $550 per hour. Read more at The Daily Beast.

Treasury Fines Exxon For Violating Russia Sanctions While Under Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson's leadership: The US Treasury Department is finding Exxon Mobil $2 million for violating sanctions against Russia while under now-Secretary-of-State Rex Tillerson's leadership. The Treasury says Exxon made contracts with Russian oil executive Igor Sechin in May 2014, after he was designated a Specially Designated National, which prohibits US companies from making contracts with him. Exxon argues that the treasury is enforcing retroactive rules. Read more at CNBC.

Special Investigator Mueller Expands Russia Probe To Trump Business Transactions: Bloomberg reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has expanded the Russia probe into Trump's business transactions. He is reportedly looking into Russian rentals in Trump's properties. In an interview Wednesday, Trump said that expanding the investigation to his business would be "crossing a red line".

The Wall Street Journal also reported today that the investigation has expanded to look into potential money laundering by Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman. Read more at The Wall Street Journal.

Trump Campaign Chief Owed $17 Million To Russian Oligarchs Before Joining Trump Campaign: Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, owed $17 million to a Russian oligarch in 2015, according to documents obtained by The New York Times. The documents were officially filed in 2016 as part of a Cyprus court case brought against Manafort's companies byOleg V. Deripaska. The debts were accrued through a series of shell companies that were involved in Manafort's work in Ukraine. Manafort denies that the debts existed at the time he took his job with the Trump campaign. Read more at The New York Times.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Russia's Lavrov Says Trump May Have Met Putin More Times
President Donald Trump may have held more meetings with Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit earlier this month, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday — but he shrugged off the importance of the encounters.

“They might have met even much more than just three times,” he told NBC News’ Keir Simmons in an exclusive interview, dismissing speculation about the leaders' meetings.

"Maybe they went to the toilet together," he joked.

Asked whether the two presidents had other conversations or met in the corridors of the G-20 meeting, Lavrov used the analogy of children mingling at a kindergarten.

“When you are bought by your parents to a kindergarten do you mix with the people who are waiting in the same room to start going to a classroom?” he asked.

He added: "I remember when I was in that position I did spend five or ten minutes in the kindergarten before they brought us to the classroom.”

Lavrov echoed the White House account of a third meeting between Trump and Putin during a social-dinner at the summit in Hamburg.

The other two meetings — one a scheduled bilateral meeting and another when the pair shared a handshake — had already been widely reported.

“After the dinner was over…I was not there…President Trump apparently went to pick up his wife and spent some minutes with President Putin…so what?” he said.

Lavrov also said the U.S. presence in Syria was illegitimate and accused C.I.A director Mike Pompeo of having “double standards” regarding the establishment of military bases in the country.

He said Pompeo’s comments criticizing Russia’s presence in Syria and the establishment of military bases on the Mediterranean coast, at the Aspen Security Forum Thursday, showed that “something was wrong with double standards.”

Lavrov cited reports of ten U.S. bases built in Syria, "not to mention hundreds of hundreds of military bases of the United States all over the world and all around Russia.”

Turning to North Korea, the Russian foreign minister confirmed that Russia would not support regime change.

“We do not believe in regime change anywhere,” he said.

Lavrov said Russian intelligence showed that North Korea’s test missile launch earlier this month was not an intercontinental weapon, as reported by U.S. officials.

Related: Trump-Putin Meeting Raises Red Flags for National Security Experts

“Our objective data we received from our radars located just on the border with North Korea and according to that data it is not an intercontinental missile,” he said.

Asked why Russia does not consider North Korea a threat, Lavrov responded: "I cannot say we are not considering a threat what is going on on the Korean peninsula, because of what North Korea is doing in gross violation of the Security Council resolutions."

He added that he did not understand the purpose of portraying Russia as "appeasing" North Koreans and "acquiescing with what they have been doing."

However he said Russia would not support United Nations Security Council resolutions which are "designed to completely suffocate the North Korean economy," saying the U.N. could not stop nuclear programs "at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives of North Koreans."

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Jeff Sessions Discussed Campaign Matters During Meetings With Russian Ambassador: According to intelligence intercepts, Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak told Moscow that he had discussed the Trump campaign and policy matters of Russian interest during conversations with sessions during the election. Sessions had previously neglected to mention the meetings with Kislyak, and has since maintained the conversations did not relate to the campaign.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


Trump takes vacation from mounting scandals to spend entire month of August golfing
A notice filed by the FAA and highlighted by Time’s Zeke Miller advises that from August 3-20, flight restrictions will be in place over the area, due to Trump. In the past, these notices have been issued in advance of Trump trips to the area.

Trump owns the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, a site he has used for his weekend getaways along with his resort Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Since becoming president, Trump has spent 16 percent of his time on a Trump resort property.

His taxpayer-funded luxury travel also serves to advertise the Trump properties and enrich Trump, since he has not followed tradition and divested as other presidents did from their financial holdings. It lets him use Air Force One, Marine One, the Secret Service and the prestige and grandeur of the American presidency to line his pockets.

His trips have also often caused major disruption for local businesses and police departments, incurring enormous costs that local constituencies have pushed Congress to resolve.

Trump is skipping out on Washington even as he demanded the Senate stay in town instead of recess to jam through the unpopular health care bill. Trump’s decision is a reversal from his predecessor. President Barack Obama’s first August in office was packed with events on a host of issues to promote his agenda.
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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Anthony Scarmucci deleted tweets where he referred to Donald Trump as an 'odd guy' with 'no judgement'
New White House communications director voted for Obama and Bill Clinton and said 'Walls don't work'
In February 2012, Mr Scaramucci, a Wall Street millionaire who gave money to the campaigns of both his former Harvard classmate Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, both Demoecrats, also tweeted a comment about Mr Trump’s decision to endorse Newt Gingrich for President

“Odd guy," he wrote. "So smart with no judgement.”

The deleted tweets were first noticed by the freelance journalist Josh Billinson, who found himself briefly blocked by MrScaramucci.


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
Three institutions that need a long overdue soul-douching: Academia, Media and Hollywood.

Trump stands against all 3. He's already debased the 2nd one to the point of no return. Milo is slowly destroying the 1st one (and the students like those at Evergreen College seem hellbent to kill it from within). The third one is having it's worst summer business-wise in years and is increasingly losing touch with regular Americans.

Once you flip those 3 institutions, you'll have made America great again.

As for Russia: it's a strategy by the Democrats to discredit Trump's win to drive down his approvals and set up momentum for the midterms in 2018 and the presidency in 2020. It was enabled by FISA spying from the Obama administration of Trump associates. About a week before leaving office, Obama expanded the NSA's sharing of unmasked intelligence, basically giving anyone with a security clearance in the government the ability to leak information to the press, to pressure Trump and to continue the Russian narrative. Reality Winner got caught, but others haven't. This is all strategic.