Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Deleted member 1

I'm still only really seeing positive comments from Trump re: Bernie. I still think Bernie is his out. If he changes his mind and doesn't want to go through with being president, he'll try to gift the spot to Bernie.


The rumors of Trump not wanting to be President come from the fundamental underestimating Trump last year and a woman that wasnt anybody, but was reported to be his campaign manager.

Trump wants to be President. He even brought on Manafort now. They won't say Manafort is usurping lewandowsku, but that's the clear message by all the interviews I watched.

Deleted member 1

Fuck Manafort. I see myself becoming Trump's right hand man once the campaign comes to NJ.

Ive seen your posts. And outside of the fact that you're a one armed gimp and his name literally uses MAN and FORT, AND he has 30+ years of experience.... I agree. Knock em dead


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Ive seen your posts. And outside of the fact that you're a one armed gimp and his name literally uses MAN and FORT, AND he has 30+ years of experience.... I agree. Knock em dead
You want to read one of my modern political theory essays? Still have them saved. They will blow your hair back.

I also feel confident I can seduce Ted Cruz's wife with my smooth orange skin and rock hard 8pack. I'll take one for the team. Willing to do the prison time if it's illegal to tape the sexual encounter and release it to the public.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The rumors of Trump not wanting to be President come from the fundamental underestimating Trump last year and a woman that wasnt anybody, but was reported to be his campaign manager.

Trump wants to be President. He even brought on Manafort now. They won't say Manafort is usurping lewandowsku, but that's the clear message by all the interviews I watched.
That's just my hunch. I bet he still debates in his head whether or not he actually wants to be POTUSA.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And what's his master ruse against Bernie? We got a sneak preview of his plans against Incompetent Hillary, but would a Trump vs Bernie general election actually result in national economic debate? I fucking hope so. I'd like to see both sides argue the pros and cons of single-payer healthcare vs current private system with states' restrictions lifted.

Deleted member 1

I also feel confident I can seduce Ted Cruz's wife with my smooth orange skin and rock hard 8pack. I'll take one for the team
No doubt.
I've been recording my skeletons on the internet for to loo long or Wed launch some shit. I'd smile and look all nice and you'd be my expert enforcer from afar.

Deleted member 1

cons of single-payer healthcare vs current private system with states' restrictions lifted.
Trump wins the entire argument except this.

Trade, entitlement reform, economic zone for black america jobs (hey thats actually reparations!) , removal of slave labor competing for poor Americas jobs....Trump trumps.

But Trump almost assuredly secretly supports Medicare for all with a private market of supplemental plans. He's on record with as much before the reform party blew up.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That's just my hunch. I bet he still debates in his head whether or not he actually wants to be POTUSA.
I don't think so, man. Trump is a goddamn megalomaniac and narcissist. He rules the the business world and probably sees no reason why he shouldn't be ruling the actual world too.

My favorite Trump tidbit comes from his Comedy Central Roast. He told the comedians/writers that any aspect of his life was fair game to crack jokes about, but no one is allowed to joke that he has less money than he says he does. lol

Deleted member 1

He told the comedians/writers that any aspect of his life was fair game to crack jokes about, but no one is allowed to joke that he has less money than he says he does.

That's what all those guys care about. Why did anyone continue after making aa billion dollars?? Bill gates, Steve jobs, Trump.... They all just want to be the best. This is just a measure. It doesn't mean cash like we think. They already have more than they can spend

Deleted member 1

Just a reminder that Kasich is number four in a three-man race.

He has less delegates than Rubio. What is this guy doing?

Deleted member 1


Refusing to fix immigration is an implicit support of the status quo or worse. Give amnesty tomorrow (like reagan! ) and they still can't tell you how many more illegal immigrants should come in. There is not a limit. They don't want a limit.

I do wonder about the cognitive dissonance of a violent tyrranical group that purports to speak for black people while encouraging the undercutting of black jobs and wages by illegal de facto slave labor.

Don't forget, Trump suporters are the violent racists.... Just ignore shit like this video, the anti trump protesters literally wearing KKK uniforms and nazi regalia at a Jewish conference.