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Deleted member 1

Trump is right as he always is....

To remind everyone, Trump (same as Robert Gates) has called for NATO to pay its obligated defense share. He was called out of touch.

Then Trump has repeatedly mentioned that we should remove ourselves from reliance on the middle East and espoused a much less interventionalist policy. This has been met with comments like "Trump doesn't understand the world order for the last 50 years!! -- which is of course the point, the order is bad for us and causes perpetual war and debt!

With current events lets revisit this great tweet...


Saudi Arabia is increasingly officially implicatedin causing 9/11...

Secret 28 Pages of 9/11 Report Under New Scrutiny

As the official story begins to finally be honest...

Congress now wants to remove government immunity if a government is found to be responsible for terrorist attacks on our country.
Saudi Arabia, fearful they will be exposed for the huge pieces of shit they really are threaten us:

Saudis threaten to sell $750 billion US assets if Congress passes bill that would let 9/11 victims sue Saudi Arabia

Lets be clear. Under Trump, those assets would already be frozen and 9/11 details already released.

We must divest ourselves of these snakes. Hillary will keep us in their bed. She will choose them over American families just like Obama has done.

We cannot pay with the blood of innocent American and others to sustain this terrible economic blackmail.


Nov 3, 2015
Didn't read the thread, just stumbled upon this vid:


Yay, nuclear bombs for all of middle east! Good plan. Coz will happen anyway, but the deal with Iran was the worst.. makes sense!
And for the first part, you are not supporting nothing, we pay a lot for your military here, but you are welcome to leave any time. :)

Deleted member 1

Didn't read the thread

There's your problem. See you in 38 pages. You can go Make Germany Great Again once you see the majesty!

And for the first part, you are not supporting nothing, we pay a lot for your military here, but you are welcome to leave any time
He also, not very eloquentally, specifically stated he did not support giving the middle East nuclear weapons. Theres probably not another country Trump hates more than Saudi Arabia.

Nothing to do with the video since he didn't bring up Europe.
Derp he did toss Germany in there.

The conversation regarding Europe military expenditure is NATO obligation and failure for to meet commitments.
Your membership, along with us going to war to die on your behalf if you are or any other is attacked (article 5) is incumbent upon an agreed 2% of GDP defense expenditure.

Despite a regional trend of increased defense spending, Germany continues to fail to meet this agreed requirement as it always has.

German Defense Spending Hike Reflects Regional Trend


And it's not just a conversation about Germany. Most of NATO members failed to meet this obligation, leaving us with the vast majority of the bill. The British have finally met their obligation with the most recent budget ( glad they agree with trump! ) after many years of not.

And what do we get for our NATO membership?
Blame by Russia and a requirement to start world war iii if fucking latvia is invaded.

Should NATO be ditched as a Russia containment organization? Yep.

Should NATO members start paying up or go it in separate agreements with those that will meet their obligations? Yep.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
There's your problem. See you in 38 pages. . You can go Make Germany Great Again once you see the majesty!

He also, not very eloquentally, specifically stated he did not support giving the middle East nuclear weapons. Theres probably not another country Trump hates more than Saudi Arabia.

Nothing to do with the video since he didn't bring up Europe.

The conversation regarding Europe military expenditure is NATO obligation and failure for to meet commitments.
Your membership, along with us going to war to die on your behalf if you are or any other is attacked (article 5) is incumbent upon an agreed 2% of GDP defense expenditure.

Despite a regional trend of increased defense spending, Germany continues to fail to meet this agreed requirement as it always has.

German Defense Spending Hike Reflects Regional Trend


And it's not just a conversation about Germany. Most of NATO members failed to meet this obligation, leaving us with the vast majority of the bill. The British have finally met their obligation with the most recent budget ( glad they agree with trump! ) after many years of not.

And what do we get for our NATO membership?
Blame by Russia and a requirement to start world war iii if fucking latvia is invaded.

Should NATO be ditched as a Russia containment organization? Yep.

Should NATO members start paying up or go it in separate agreements with those that will meet their obligations? Yep.
Trump did mention Germany in the video. I agree the USA shouldn't have to foot the bill but we have bases, buildings built with our dollars and if they go abandoned they can just be taken over and staffed by these countries. It's better than keeping American troops stationed there imo which is a recurring cost. Pull these troops out or make a profit on the military protection provided to countries so we can get out of this debt.

Deleted member 1

Trump did mention Germany in the video
Then my apologies to Q @Qat. I'll rewatch.

Missed it, "We're supporting Germany" was indeed tossed in there.

I'll leave my previous post since the position stands.
The point, and I quote the video, "We are supporting these countries and they are paying a fraction of what they should"

In the Germany case, that fraction is 1.2%/2.0% = 60% of what they in particular should be paying into the agreed pool.

And none of this is new. Trump is simply using the pulpit that Robert Gates didn't have:
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Deleted member 1

. I agree the USA shouldn't have to foot the bill but we have bases, buildings built with our dollars and if they go abandoned they can just be taken over and staffed by these countries. It's better than keeping American troops stationed there imo which is a recurring cost. Pull these troops out or make a profit on the military protection provided to countries so we can get out of this debt.
I think that agreements have to be made with risk and reward. Germany can easily say, "Look, you need this airspace and location to deploy air assets and we like knowing that we don't have to spend as much on military". That is right! But that's what we are talking about. Making fair deals.
We can happily let them off the hook for the 2% obligation they are failing to meet.
But with that, WE should be off the hook playing policeman for NATO at a discount. Article 5 is no joke. Russia pulls a Crimea over in the Baltic states and we are REQUIRED to go to war. That or NATO dies right there and then.
Much better to realign expectations on our terms than wait to be forced in it.


Nov 3, 2015
There's your problem. See you in 38 pages.
Certainly not. :)

He also, not very eloquentally, specifically stated he did not support giving the middle East nuclear weapons. Theres probably not another country Trump hates more than Saudi Arabia.
He put it in a way that plausible deniability could work both ways. Or it could be a slip or whatever. I wonder how you can be so sure about anything he says, but you certainly delved into this and him as a person way more. But still, there isn't much of a foundation of trust or predictability, is there? He is either a guy who says what he thinks will get him most votes, or a wildcard at best.

Trump did mention Germany in the video. I agree the USA shouldn't have to foot the bill but we have bases, buildings built with our dollars and if they go abandoned they can just be taken over and staffed by these countries. It's better than keeping American troops stationed there imo which is a recurring cost. Pull these troops out or make a profit on the military protection provided to countries so we can get out of this debt.
Yeah just that we pay a lot for these buildings as well. For modernisations. And all of the land. I don't think you are making a profit, but if you think you 'foot the bill' yourselves, your are simply wrong. Same as the very simple view that those are just here for protecting us.. come on now. There are multiple reasons, and protecting us is surely not your first concern, that should not be news to you.

You have nuclear weapons stationed here (which make us a potential target), and we pay to help you modernize them. Those are not ours, those are yours, and you make us pay for it. We ourselves are forbidden to have them, of course. But our Tornado's will have to be adapted to carry them.. who pays for that? We do as well.
This is just one example.
Now, does that sound like a partnership to you? Its not, in many ways this could be seen as if we are militarily occupied. Which basically we still are. The main contracts for this are from 1951 and 1954, and they are still in effect. Do you really think we got fair deals as @Splinty puts it for us there in that time? Nope. Which is understandable in that time..
But it is the way it is.

But if now some loudmouth over there rumbles along as if they are so kind to 'support' us, then I say: fuck off and leave with your nuclear shit. Its as easy as that.
Don't even try to pretend that strategically this is not great for you guys. Against Russia or other potential threats.

NATO and its contracts eh.. You know how often we were already told that the nuclear bombs will be gone after the cold war ended? Well, they never did, they will go now... but new ones will come instead. :troll:

And its funny that you make it seem as if you got a bad deal. You made those deals! And you can change them. Not us.

Deleted member 1

Good breakdown of how New York's 27 districts will likely vote.

A New Yorker’s Guide To The GOP Primary — District By District

So he doesn't commit to anything, but I'll use the polls and his demographic breakdown to make some estimates:

Over 50%

Under 50%
6,7,9,15,19,20,21,22, 23,24,25

Might not get 1st place


Total up for grabs: 95

14 State win
13*3 = 39
11*2 = 22

= 75

75/95= 78%

If following the 538 tracker, that would be a good showing for Trump.
I also think we will see a handful of those 45% polling ares sneak over the 50%. So maybe 78-80 delegates will be won.


Deleted member 1

You are talking about fair deals, this guy will not do fair deals for us either. He might piss everybody off though, good luck with that.
We already brought in the nobel peace prize winning citizen of the world to that pushes for Europe to take an increasing multilateral lead in places like Ukraine, Lybia, etc.
How'd that work out? More debt, more war, stagflation...

I care only about the US fixing its debt, pulling back from the middle east, reducing our obligations for perpetual war, and reinvesting domestically.
Try not to let your German sensibility color your view of a primary candidate.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
So he doesn't commit to anything, but I'll use the polls and his demographic breakdown to make some estimates:

Over 50%

Under 50%
6,7,9,15,19,20,21,22, 23,24,25

Might not get 1st place


Total up for grabs: 95

14 State win
13*3 = 39
11*2 = 22

= 75

75/95= 78%

If following the 538 tracker, that would be a good showing for Trump.
I also think we will see a handful of those 45% polling ares sneak over the 50%. So maybe 78-80 delegates will be won.

Good work!


Deleted member 1

That is still so brutal. He should have withdrawn immediately after, for burn treatment.
The sound of an entire political dynasty dying a low-energy death at the barrel of a bunch of red hats.