You think?yep, that'll be the thing that finally gets him
You think?yep, that'll be the thing that finally gets him
no, Dems reached peak retard on election day & have stayed there sinceYou think?
On your planet, does an investigation begin with anything other than questions?2 years & all you have is a list of questions?
so they're just starting an investigation now?On your planet, does an investigation begin with anything other than questions?
yep, that'll be the thing that finally gets him
It's true.People say that, but I don't know if that's true.
Republicans obviously weren't happy that they lost two elections in a row, but I don't remember seeing anywhere near the same hysteria from conservatives when Obama was in office.
I don't remember conservatives rioting in the street, calling Obama "literally Hitler", or ostracising anyone who voted for Obama and accusing them of being "fascists".
the fake news didn't even last a dayFeds tapped Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's phones
Former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, says there's a high bar for having a wiretap approved. Rosenberg said that wiretaps are usually approved for an investigation into a current crime and not solely for possible crimes that have been committed in the past.
"The affidavits are typically highly detailed and carefully vetted by experienced lawyers," he said. "In all cases the wiretap must be approved by a federal judge."
Of course you'll find crazy people on either side, people who think Obama is a communist, who think he is an alien from outer space intent on destroying the American way of life, etc.It's true.
Remember the birther issue? They maybe weren't calling him Hitler, but they were pretty much calling him Osama, not Obama. They said he wasn't an American, that the Muslims would take over America, Sharia Law would become the law of the land. There was plenty of fear mongering. Call him a fascist? Sometimes, but more often than not they were saying he was a terrorist, or at the very least a terrorist sympathizer.
And then what happens? The face of the birther movement gets elected president. Heck, Trump ran his campaign almost as much against Obama than against Hillary.
Only in the alternate Trumper reality.BTW wasn't it Hillary who kickstarted the whole birther thing in the 2008 primaries? lol
No need to post all those links - they all just said the exact same thing: there's no evidence that Hillary started it.Only in the alternate Trumper reality.
This Is How the Whole Birther Thing Actually Started
No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.
Trump's False claim Clinton started Obama birther talk
No, Hillary Clinton did not start the 'birther' movement
Trump on Birtherism: Wrong, and Wrong -
Recidivism Watch: Trump repeats debunked claim that Clinton ‘started the birther controversy’
The Origin Story Of The Big Lie That Hillary Clinton Started Birtherism
No, Hillary Clinton did not - CNNPolitics
the smart ones know the Russia stuff is BS & just a political cudgel to try to delegitimize Trump Opinion | Democrats: Don’t Take the Bait on ImpeachmentThere's no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, but that doesn't stop people from pushing that lol
Let me say this when its all said and done people like Popeyeswingjiujitsu and all the other out of control Trump haters better HOPE that he gets impeached or something or else the crow they will be eating will be too much to handle.the smart ones know the Russia stuff is BS & just a political cudgel to try to delegitimize Trump Opinion | Democrats: Don’t Take the Bait on Impeachment
the dumb ones are creaming their pants over every fake news article & posting about it in internet forums
I'd be surprised if they even cared they were wrong, the ends justify the meansLet me say this when its all said and done people like Popeyeswingjiujitsu and all the other out of control Trump haters better HOPE that he gets impeached or something or else the crow they will be eating will be too much to handle.
Probably not because they would never admit it anyway. Shit they are digging so damn deep that Im not sure who could come out the other end unscathed. I WOULD HATE for there to be a special counsel for Hilary because if they dug this deep with her, it would not take 16 months to find something, she would be fucked in less than 6.I'd be surprised if they even cared they were wrong, the ends justify the means
They're the good ones....I'd be surprised if they even cared they were wrong, the ends justify the means
Turn this around and think about it from a different perspective for a moment. So far we know of the following indictments.Let me say this when its all said and done people like Popeyeswingjiujitsu and all the other out of control Trump haters better HOPE that he gets impeached or something or else the crow they will be eating will be too much to handle.
Ok that’s all well and good so as I said hopefully all you guys get what you want. Me personally, and truthfully this country is going pretty well right now and things are looking up and that makes me happy no matter what party or person does it. See the whole thing with you guys is you think we all love trump because we defend him on certain issues, and that is wrong. I think as a person Trump is scum, what he does to his women (in all fairness all men with that kind of power do it) I don’t like, he can never admit when he makes a mistake and I hate that quality in anyone and other things. The problem is when you have this stupid ass story about a porn star and that is the focus that’s a damn shame. Why not focus on all the good that is actually happening especially economically, isis, North Korea I mean come on. Are our biases so bad and are we so petty and spoiled that we don’t want the country or people to do well because the person “they don’t like” is the one doing it? I didn’t like Obama but I would’ve been super damn happy if he did a good job and I was of course rooting for him because I live in America but he sucked oh but he was “pc” and was a smooth talker and kissed babies and all that shit. Fuck that. I would rather have this crazy Trump guy who talks crazy shit but actually keeps his campaign promises and is actually working 24/7 even when playing golf he is working which he said before he was even president he likes to do, and things are going well and actual progress is happening.Turn this around and think about it from a different perspective for a moment. So far we know of the following indictments.
1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, pleaded guilty in October to making false statements to the FBI.
2) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December to making false statements to the FBI.
3) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted in October in Washington, DC on charges of conspiracy, money laundering, false statements, and failure to disclose foreign assets — all related to his work for Ukrainian politicians before he joined the Trump campaign. He’s pleaded not guilty on all counts. Then, in February, Mueller filed a new case against him in Virginia, with tax, financial, and bank fraud charges.
4) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But he has now agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge.
5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.
21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller.
22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine.
Papadopoulos and Flynn both admit that they lied to the FBI about their contacts with people connected to the Russian government.
The main emphasis of the indictments’ against the 13 Russians is on the propaganda efforts of one Russian group in particular: the Internet Research Agency. That group’s operations — which included social media posts, online ads, and organization of rallies in the US — were often aimed at denigrating Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy and supporting Donald Trump’s.
Then we have the possibility of Trump's obstruction of justice. These are a few of the major points.
1) His intent to fire former FBI Director James Comey.
2) His role in the crafting of a misleading public statement on the nature of a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son and Russians.
3) Trump’s dangling of pardons before grand jury witnesses who might testify against him.
4) Pressuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
Recently issues with campaign finance laws and the Stormy Daniels 'hush money' have been uncovered.
Giuliani said this on Wednesday night: "Imagine if that came out on Oct 15, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton. ... Cohen made it go away. He did his job."
There is strong evidence that they intentionally tried to hide the in-kind contribution, such as Giuliani's admission that they funneled Trump's payment to Cohen through Cohen's law firm and tried to disguise them as retainer fees. Also, Trump publicly said he knew nothing about the payments, but is now admitting he did know. This could potentially lead to it being found a knowing and willful violation, which carries larger civil penalties and can be prosecuted as a felony.
The investigation is continuing to progress from the bottom up. Will it reach all the way to Trump? We don't know, but to act like there is nothing there is undeniably wrong. How far would this have to go for you to admit it?
Do you think Hillary should be charged for mishandling her email server?How far would this have to go for you to admit it?