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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It'll still happen, China was putting YUGE pressure on NK not to attend. Trump cancelled the meeting & removed Chinese leverage & in the letter claims it'll be good for both the USA & NK. Trump even used NK language in the cancellation letter. Kim shut down his testing site, something's going on that I wouldn't take at face value that I don't think the media will figure out.

At any rate, I guess it comes down to whether or not you think Trump knows what he's doing. For some particular reason Iranian assets are getting wiped out in Syria at record rates, I think the guy knows what he's doing
its the art of the deal


Jan 28, 2015
nobody cares
It’s crazy what a loser that guy is and I do not say that lightly. I have never seen anyone spend so much time thinking about someone else that they hate so much. I don’t even want to make a joke about suicide watch when Trump is cleared by Mueller

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015

Looks like the Summit will happen, which means NK came crawling back BEGGING Trump to meet with them.

But yeah, I'm sure this all would have happened under the all powerful Hillary Clinton lol.

Utah man held without trial in Venezuala since 2016 now back in the U.S. | CBC News

He's making peace in Korea, he's getting detainees released left and and right, he's pardoning Jack Johnson after what, 13 or 14 presidents failed to do so, including America's first black president?

If Trump is such a dope and all this stuff is so easy, why couldn't Obama do it?

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Guys we are being trolled by this fool right? I mean he doesn’t really believe these things does he? I feel like this is a bot
A certain percentage of the population just can't deal with the fact that Trump has "the right stuff" to be President.

They thought it was going to fall to pieces, but he was doing good so they try to distract with nothing-burgers like Russia collusion and Stormy Daniels.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
So anyone who tweets today about any subject rather than Memorial Day is a turd?

Edit: nevermind. just found the tweet. Lol

(The article said for every tweet about Memorial Day, he tweeted two about spygate. I thought that was their issue.)
Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!
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