Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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member 1013

Hey Pitbull9 @Pitbull3744 im trying to respectfully get you to explain your reasoning so that I can become enlightened to your position but at this point I can only surmise you think you’re better than me.

You big fucking meanie.


Jan 28, 2015
Hey Pitbull9 @Pitbull3744 im trying to respectfully get you to explain your reasoning so that I can become enlightened to your position but at this point I can only surmise you think you’re better than me.

You big fucking meanie.
I do not think I am better than anyone at all. Listen i get the Trump hate, I do, but me not liking Trumps personality or whatever doesnt make me hate what he is doing. Our illegal immigration system is beyond fucked, the whole give us your poor etc etc is played out and has been taken advantage of beyond belief, and Trump is the only one enforcing the LAW, THE LAW. So when trolls like the other people in here like to post there retarded memes or articles that prove nothing because everyone hates trump so much there is no way to tell real news from fake. As far as the economy I dont care if its Trump, obama, clinton,bush whoever, I want it to be good and right now it is good and Trump is the president and when it was really bad Obama was that is just facts no matter who you want to spin it or what article you want to post. Obama had 8 years and didn't get near what we are seeing now and it is because of what Trump has done with businesses and tax cuts. I like our foreign policy because like i said before we have been getting taken advantage of for so long because all the other countries just expect the USA to foot the bill or take care of things and now that trump said fuck that and impose tariffs to try and fix things since that will be the only way, its not like China will all of a sudden be like yeah man we are fucking you over making a killing but we will stop now haha. Healthcare is fucked and I blame no president, I blame the way our health system is, not sure anyone can fix that. I dont care about Stormy, I dont care how his relationship is with Melania, I dont care that he likes Putin, Im happy he is working with NK but if they fuck us better beware because Trump might be all hugs and kisses when things are going well but if you fuck him he is your worst enemy and will make you pay i.e Canada.

You tell me what I am wrong about , or what is the problem?

member 1013

I do not think I am better than anyone at all. Listen i get the Trump hate, I do, but me not liking Trumps personality or whatever doesnt make me hate what he is doing. Our illegal immigration system is beyond fucked, the whole give us your poor etc etc is played out and has been taken advantage of beyond belief, and Trump is the only one enforcing the LAW, THE LAW. So when trolls like the other people in here like to post there retarded memes or articles that prove nothing because everyone hates trump so much there is no way to tell real news from fake. As far as the economy I dont care if its Trump, obama, clinton,bush whoever, I want it to be good and right now it is good and Trump is the president and when it was really bad Obama was that is just facts no matter who you want to spin it or what article you want to post. Obama had 8 years and didn't get near what we are seeing now and it is because of what Trump has done with businesses and tax cuts. I like our foreign policy because like i said before we have been getting taken advantage of for so long because all the other countries just expect the USA to foot the bill or take care of things and now that trump said fuck that and impose tariffs to try and fix things since that will be the only way, its not like China will all of a sudden be like yeah man we are fucking you over making a killing but we will stop now haha. Healthcare is fucked and I blame no president, I blame the way our health system is, not sure anyone can fix that. I dont care about Stormy, I dont care how his relationship is with Melania, I dont care that he likes Putin, Im happy he is working with NK but if they fuck us better beware because Trump might be all hugs and kisses when things are going well but if you fuck him he is your worst enemy and will make you pay i.e Canada.

You tell me what I am wrong about , or what is the problem?
My problem is we didn’t Fuck him at all. It takes a lot to make me side with Trudeau but his message has been consistent from day one on this issue and to come me out like that against a friend who is only standing up for themselves in the face of a behemoth is weak bullshit. It doesn’t impress anyone or look strong to other leaders it just tells your friends that you have no intention of doing anything in good faith with them.

I have no problem with you being a Trump guy, I just wanted to know why hurting American exports and relations with its Allies was good in your opinion.

If you wanna go after China (which you should) then go after China. But be focused, be coherent in message and don’t spastically flail out at your friends.

If anything comes out of the NK efforts I will be happy.

I don’t approve of Putin but I am much more invested in the Russian domestic scene than most due to my connections there, I would assume.


Jan 28, 2015
My problem is we didn’t Fuck him at all. It takes a lot to make me side with Trudeau but his message has been consistent from day one on this issue and to come me out like that against a friend who is only standing up for themselves in the face of a behemoth is weak bullshit. It doesn’t impress anyone or look strong to other leaders it just tells your friends that you have no intention of doing anything in good faith with them.

I have no problem with you being a Trump guy, I just wanted to know why hurting American exports and relations with its Allies was good in your opinion.

If you wanna go after China (which you should) then go after China. But be focused, be coherent in message and don’t spastically flail out at your friends.

If anything comes out of the NK efforts I will be happy.

I don’t approve of Putin but I am much more invested in the Russian domestic scene than most due to my connections there, I would assume.
I am so far from a trump guy although it looks that way. I am not defending the man at all, just what he is doing right now that i happen to agree with. There was no reason for Justin to come out and try to look tough after G7. Its like the old saying when she is fucked up, things will get worse before they get better. That will have to happen right now for things to get straight and get fair for us. When Obama was president you wouldve never seen me talk this kind of shit about him even though his 8 years was pretty close to the worst out of any president i think.

member 1013

I am so far from a trump guy although it looks that way. I am not defending the man at all, just what he is doing right now that i happen to agree with. There was no reason for Justin to come out and try to look tough after G7. Its like the old saying when she is fucked up, things will get worse before they get better. That will have to happen right now for things to get straight and get fair for us. When Obama was president you wouldve never seen me talk this kind of shit about him even though his 8 years was pretty close to the worst out of any president i think.
Justin wasn’t “trying to look tough.”

He was saying what he has been saying and said to Trump in person the whole time and he said it in a calm and measured manner.


Jan 28, 2015
Justin wasn’t “trying to look tough.”

He was saying what he has been saying and said to Trump in person the whole time and he said it in a calm and measured manner.
but yet Trump gets nailed for saying America first but when Justin says it, its ok?


Jan 28, 2015
I never said that home slice.

Elected officials should be concerned with their constituents first and foremost.
Totally, even though we know Trump doesnt get that because everyone hates him lol. Trump is a big baby and that works for us and against us I wont deny that. If you play by his rules he is good and if not he is bad and again that is good and bad, certainly good if what he is trying to do helps us all but bad if he is bluffing and it gets called lol.

member 1013

Totally, even though we know Trump doesnt get that because everyone hates him lol. Trump is a big baby and that works for us and against us I wont deny that. If you play by his rules he is good and if not he is bad and again that is good and bad, certainly good if what he is trying to do helps us all but bad if he is bluffing and it gets called lol.
Honestly as much as we don’t like to admit it we consider the stars our big brother and when your big brother comes out at you like that it’s pretty disconcerting.

You can appreciate that I hope. I know you lived and played hockey in Canada.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Liberals just don't know how to meme. They have very low energy.

They'll accuse you of Ad Hominem
Since we are pointing out logical fallacies, this reads an awful lot like a hasty generalization.

Let’s not forget the classic, begging the claim.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Yeah locking up the Japs (which is what America did) and locking up the Jews (which is what Hitler did)... so the meme suggests we'd support both opposing sides of a war? Liberals just don't know how to meme. They have very low energy.

They'll accuse you of Ad Hominem, and in the same breath equate not wanting people to illegally enter the country to rounding up a group of people and sending them off to a gas chamber. It's just silly.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


Report: Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Pushed for Border Separation Policy
White House adviser Stephen Miller was the driving force behind President Trump’s decision to enforce the family separation policy at U.S. borders, according to The New York Times. Unlike Trump, who has publicly claimed to hate the practice, Miller told the Times it was a “simple decision.” “No nation can have the policy that whole classes of people are immune from immigration law or enforcement. … The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law,” he was quoted as saying. The immigration hardliner had argued in recent months for “zero tolerance” policies and a new way to end the common practice of “catch and release,” which allowed illegal immigrants to be released into the country while their cases were being processed. Miller also reportedly pushed Trump and other White House officials to begin using deterrence policies, and after border numbers spiked in April, he was said to have been instrumental in convincing Trump to resort to the “nuclear option” now so widely being condemned as inhumane.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Jeff Sessions' church slams his use of the Bible to defend separating migrant families
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a United Methodist, and he is also the face of the Trump administration's widely condemned policy of separating migrant children from their families at the border. In a Friday statement slamming the policy as "a shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel," the United Methodist Church registered its dissent to Sessions' use of the Bible to defend the separations:

Jesus is our way, our truth, our life. The Christ we follow would have no part in ripping children from their mothers' arms or shunning those fleeing violence. It is unimaginable that faith leaders even have to say that these policies are antithetical to the teachings of Christ.

Christian sacred texts should never be used to justify policies that oppress or harm children and families. [United Methodist Church]

The statement explicitly called out Sessions as a "fellow United Methodist," asking him to reverse the decision to split up families. It noted that the close context of the passage Sessions cited, Romans 13, includes instructions for Christians to "extend hospitality to strangers" and to do "no wrong to a neighbor."

Nearly 2,000 children were separated from their families in April and May alone; some of these families crossed the border illegally, while others are legal asylum-seekers. Read the full United Methodist statement here. Bonnie Kristian

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
This thread really is like a yard: you leave it alone for a bit and all these weeds sprout up, and me and Pitbull9 @Pitbull3744 have to come in with weed whackers and chop it all down baby. The good thing about the left and anti-Trump propaganda is that it has no substance and is easily debunked.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don't think they should even be apologizing for separating the families. Let the professionals do their jobs.
every criminal get separated from their family. thats how it works.if they didnt take their child with them while sneaking in to the country illegally then they wouldnt be separated in the first place. the onus is on the shitty parent not on the state for enforcing the existing laws.go commit a crime and get locked up.what do you think happens to your kids if you dont have family to take them? they end up state property in the foster home system