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Shy Guy

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
"Inside every progressive, there is a totalitarian screaming to get out."


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
White House Withholds 100,000 Pages of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Records
The Trump White House, citing executive privilege, is withholding from the Senate more than 100,000 pages of records from Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s time as a lawyer in the administration of former President George W. Bush.

The decision, disclosed in a letter that a lawyer for Mr. Bush sent on Friday to Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, comes just days before the start of Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday. It drew condemnation from Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.

“We’re witnessing a Friday night document massacre,” Mr. Schumer wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “President Trump’s decision to step in at the last moment and hide 100k pages of Judge Kavanaugh’s records from the American public is not only unprecedented in the history of SCOTUS noms, it has all the makings of a cover up.”

Democrats and Republicans have been arguing for weeks over access to documents relating to Judge Kavanaugh’s time working for Mr. Bush. Democrats say that Republicans are blocking access to the documents as part of an effort to ram through the nomination without proper scrutiny.

The bulk of the records being withheld “reflect deliberations and candid advice concerning the selection and nomination of judicial candidates, the confidentiality of which is critical to any president’s ability to carry out this core constitutional executive function,” wrote Mr. Bush’s lawyer, William A. Burck.

They also reflect “advice submitted directly to President Bush,” Mr. Burck wrote, as well as communications between White House staff members about their discussions with Mr. Bush, and other internal deliberations.

Judge Kavanaugh spent two years, from 2001 to 2003, in the White House Counsel’s Office, and later served as staff secretary to the president, a role that required him to vet documents before they reached the president’s desk. None of the staff secretary records have been released because Mr. Grassley did not request them — another point of contention between Republicans and Democrats.

Mr. Burck has been heading a team of dozens of lawyers who are reviewing tens of thousands of pages of the Bush White House records, which are held by the National Archives and subject to release under the Presidential Records Act. But the White House, after consulting with the Justice Department, decided that certain records should not be released, Mr. Burck wrote.

Senate Democrats said this was the first time that a sitting president has exerted executive privilege under the Presidential Records Act in order to prevent documents from going to Congress during a Supreme Court confirmation process. Mr. Schumer issued his angry tweets alleging a holiday weekend cover-up just minutes before the start of the funeral for his Senate colleague John McCain, which Mr. Schumer attended.

Presidents have claimed executive privilege under the Constitution to prevent other branches of government from gaining access to certain internal executive branch information, so that the president and top White House officials can communicate freely with one another.

So far, Mr. Burck said, he has produced more than 415,000 pages of records to the committee, adding, “We believe we have faithfully followed President Bush’s instruction to review these documents accurately, neutrally, expeditiously and, with a presumption of disclosure.”

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015

This is why Trump won and will probably win again - the Democrats are trying to make patriotism a bad thing. Because, you know, America is the only country in the world that had some bad stuff in it's past and in it's present. Every other country in the world does it perfectly and and has since it's inception.

It's funny. If you're patriotic, love your country and your flag, well that means you're supporting all the bad stuff that happens and has happened in your country, according to the libs. But when people disrespect their country by kneeling for the anthem or saying "America was never great", well don't get mad, they're only attacking the bad stuff!

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015

Very nice of MSNBC to crop out Louis Farrakhan, so Bill Clinton wouldn't have the misfortune of being photographed with a controversial, racist figure. Wonder if they'd extend the same courtesy to Trump? :D


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

This is why Trump won and will probably win again - the Democrats are trying to make patriotism a bad thing. Because, you know, America is the only country in the world that had some bad stuff in it's past and in it's present. Every other country in the world does it perfectly and and has since it's inception.

It's funny. If you're patriotic, love your country and your flag, well that means you're supporting all the bad stuff that happens and has happened in your country, according to the libs. But when people disrespect their country by kneeling for the anthem or saying "America was never great", well don't get mad, they're only attacking the bad stuff!
That sucks that limp wristed democrats are making patriotism into a negative family used to travel down to washington state at the end of the sumner every thing that always stood out to me was the houses flying a flag .one of the best qualities the americans have is their should be someting to take pride in not to look down on

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
That sucks that limp wristed democrats are making patriotism into a negative family used to travel down to washington state at the end of the sumner every thing that always stood out to me was the houses flying a flag .one of the best qualities the americans have is their should be someting to take pride in not to look down on
It's only a matter of time until the liberals classify the American flag as a "hate symbol".

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
That sucks that limp wristed democrats are making patriotism into a negative family used to travel down to washington state at the end of the sumner every thing that always stood out to me was the houses flying a flag .one of the best qualities the americans have is their should be someting to take pride in not to look down on
Maybe in the Northwest that's changed but they're still everywhere along my travels from Maryland to North Carolina.

They're even flying in some rough neighborhoods in DC.

Patriotism isn't a bad thing but blind patriotism most certainly can be. I'm a proud American but I also recognize that we've fucked up a lot of situations and killed a lot of people in the name of "spreading freedom" and those actions have consequences. Wanting to be better than our past and improving upon what already makes this country great is exactly the type of patriotism that i want people to have. Not the bullshit that's spewed from morons on holidays.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016



Trump Has Normalized Racism, Lying, Scapegoating and Corruption, Says Fox News Analyst
Fox news analyst has claimed President Donald Trump has “normalized racism, lying, scapegoating and corruption,” in a scathing op-ed for The Hill.

Juan Williams also said in his opinion piece, published Monday, that the president is enjoying a “fake majority,” with the views of Senate Republicans representing a small minority of the population.

“Think about this—America’s politics are being run by a cabal in the Senate that fails to represent 82 percent of the American people,” Williams wrote, adding: “For starters, the 18 percent controlling the Senate have their own right-wing agenda beyond protecting an unpopular president. They want a Supreme Court majority that reflects their views and not the views of the majority of the people.”

Williams’s comments come after he suggested Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis was taking his cue from Trump when he used racially charged language, telling voters not to “monkey this up” by voting for his opponent Andrew Gillum, who is black.

The political analyst said in a debate with Fox News host Martha MacCallum that DeSantis was intentionally pushing buttons to appeal to a certain demographic—suggesting president Trump had done exactly the same thing.

“There’s a real reason, in this moment, given that DeSantis is … Trump’s guy, that [DeSantis] is echoing this talk,” said Williams.

“At some point, you have to say, ‘You know what? I think you’re pushing that button for a very specific reason,’” he added. “To excite the worst elements that show up in a Charlottesville, and again, that’s where we are in America.”

It is not the first time the president has been accused of normalizing racism, having come under fire for his comments following the Charlottesville white supremacist rally, and more recently being accused by former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault of using the n-word in conversation.

Additionally, a combination of two polls released week showed the majority of Trump supporters would still vote for a candidate if they had used the n-word, with just 42 percent of Trump supporters finding the term offensive.

“Trump has normalized many horrible things in our politics: racism, lying, scapegoating and corruption,” Williams wrote in the op-ed.

“Future historians may look back and conclude one of the most corrosive things he normalized was minority-posing-as-majority tyranny that cheats the majority of the American people out of their democracy,” he added.