Well you are. You are paying for walls all over the world funded by US already.I don't want to pay for any of that shit.
Don't be silly. I can't read.Keep on reading Washington Post.
Any champion football player disappointed with Monday’s dinner at the White House can blame Democrats, according to a presidential spokesman.
Clemson University’s football team on Thursday joined Donald Trump for dinner to celebrate their win over Alabama in the College Football Playoff National Championship. However, the government shutdown has left much of the White House staff furloughed, forcing the president to set the menu, the spokesperson said.
The event created a golden culinary opportunity for a president whose typical evenings reportedly often involve a cheeseburger in front of the TV. On Monday’s menu was “McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King’s with some pizza”, Trump told reporters.
The snooty elitism of the welfare leech strikes again.
Funny thing is, if you lived in Canada, you could potentially be a client of mine.The snooty elitism of the welfare leech strikes again.
I’m not unemployed, where’d you get that idea? How do you think I’d survive?Funny thing is, if you lived in Canada, you could potentially be a client of mine.
An unemployed, illegal immigrant with multiple barriers to employment and displays high risk behaviors.
Check, check and check.
Sshh. You'll wake up the boot lickers.That's nothing compared to the (up to) 21 Trillion missing in the defense departments black hole (anus)
U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds | Reuters
Imagine if that shit wasn't stolen and spent on black budget projects and put to good use....
I work in agriculture. 85% of the plant I work at is immigrants. No “Americans” want to work here, well except me and a handful of people. Rather cry about getting a raise at McDonald’s. Most of the feed yards employ immigrants, why? No one wants to work there. Oil fields also immigrants. Construction? Immigrants. O one wants these jobs. Like I said rather cry about shit then to get on it and work. Shit the company has to hire Somalí people just to fill slots. You know how lazy some of those people are? If they can get a job anyone can get a job. But no one wants it.I agree. Companies should be penalized harshly for employing illegal aliens.
Food prices will increase? Speculation. Less than 4% of the illegal aliens work in agriculture. No need for panic just yet.
Yes, immigrants. But we're talking illegal immigrants. The argument is always, if the illegals dissapear, our food gets expensive. Which is highly exaggerated.I work in agriculture. 85% of the plant I work at is immigrants. No “Americans” want to work here, well except me and a handful of people. Rather cry about getting a raise at McDonald’s. Most of the feed yards employ immigrants, why? No one wants to work there. Oil fields also immigrants. Construction? Immigrants. O one wants these jobs. Like I said rather cry about shit then to get on it and work. Shit the company has to hire Somalí people just to fill slots. You know how lazy some of those people are? If they can get a job anyone can get a job. But no one wants it.
Old pic of a job Americans don’t want.
Patrick Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Declare an EmergencyPresident Trump late Sunday night quoted a column by Pat Buchanan, a man the president once called a "Hitler lover," to back his proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In a pair of tweets, Trump pointed to Buchanan's argument that the president's proposal is "dead on," and saying that something needs done or the U.S., "as we have known it, is going to cease to exist."
Trump added that the "great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!."
"The Trump portrait of an unsustainable Border Crisis is dead on. 'In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with Criminal Records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes & 4000 violent killings,' " Trump tweeted.
"America's Southern Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!" Trump continued.
President Trump late Sunday night quoted a column by Pat Buchanan, a man the president once called a "Hitler lover," to back his proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In a pair of tweets, Trump pointed to Buchanan's argument that the president's proposal is "dead on," and saying that something needs done or the U.S., "as we have known it, is going to cease to exist."
Trump added that the "great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!."
"The Trump portrait of an unsustainable Border Crisis is dead on. 'In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with Criminal Records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes & 4000 violent killings,' " Trump tweeted.
"America's Southern Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!" Trump continued.
The president was quoting a column that Buchanan, a political commentator and former presidential candidate, wrote for cnsnews.com in which he encouraged Trump to go through with his threats to declare the situation at the border a national emergency and begin construction of a wall on the southern border.
In 1999, Trump called Buchanan a "Hitler lover" and said it was "incredible that anybody could embrace this guy." Buchanan, who has often been accused of expressing racist and anti-Semitic views, at the time was seeking the Reform Party's nomination for president.
“Look, he’s a Hitler lover,” Trump said on "Meet the Press" in October 1999. “I guess he’s an anti-Semite. He doesn’t like the blacks. He doesn’t like the gays. It’s just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy.”
The federal government is currently in the fourth week of a partial shutdown. Trump has refused to sign a bill to fund the government unless it includes $5 billion for his border wall proposal. Democrats have offered $1.3 billion for border security measures.
Trump has threatened to declare a national emergency to get his funding.
Buchanan wrote in the column for cnsnews.com that Trump should "declare a national emergency, shift funds out of the Pentagon, build his wall, open the government and charge Democrats with finding excuses not to secure our border."
In the long run, history will validate Donald Trump's stand on a border wall to defend the sovereignty and security of the United States.
Why? Because mass migration from the global South, not climate change, is the real existential crisis of the West.
The American people know this, and even the elites sense it.
Think not? Well, check out the leading liberal newspapers Thursday.
The Washington Post and The New York Times each had two front-page stories about the president's battle with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on funding the border wall.
Inside the first section, the Post had more stories, including one describing walls in history from China's Great Wall to the Berlin Wall to the Israeli West Bank wall to the wall separating Hungary from Serbia.
Inside the Times was a story on a new anti-immigration party, Vox, surging in Andalusia in Spain, and a story about African migrants being welcomed in Malta after being denied entry into Europe.
Another Times story related how the new president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has pulled out of a U.N. pact on migration, declaring, "Brazil has a sovereign right to decide whether or not it accepts immigrants."
Half the columns on the op-ed pages of the papers dealt with Trump, immigration and the wall. And there was nothing significant in either on the Democrats' hot new issue, a Green New Deal.
Consider. In 1992, this writer's presidential campaign had to fight to have inserted in the GOP platform a call for "structures" on the border.
Now, the whole Western world is worried about its borders as issues of immigration and identity convulse almost every country.
Looking ahead, does anyone think Americans in 2030 are going to be more concerned about the border between North Korea and South Korea, or Turkey and Syria, or Kuwait and Iraq, or Russia and Ukraine, than about the 2,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico?
Does anyone think Pelosi's position that a wall is immoral will not be regarded as absurd?
America's southern border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist. And Americans will not go gentle into that good night.
Whatever one may think of the face-off Tuesday with "Chuck and Nancy," Trump's portrait of an unsustainable border crisis is dead on: "In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and 4,000 violent killings."
The Democrats routine retort, that native-born Americans have a higher crime rate, will not suffice as new atrocities, like those Trump related, are reported and repeated before November 2020.
What should Trump do now? Act. He cannot lose this battle with Pelosi without demoralizing his people and imperiling his presidency.
Since FDR, we have had presidential government. And when U.S. presidents have been decisive activists, history has rewarded their actions.
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. On taking office, FDR declared a bank holiday. When Britain was barely hanging on in World War II, he swapped 50 destroyers for British bases. He ordered U.S. ships to chase down German submarines and lied about it. Truman fired General MacArthur.
Reagan fired the striking air controllers and ordered the military to occupy Grenada to stop Marxist thugs who had taken over in a coup from taking 500 U.S. medical students hostage.
Critics raged: Reagan had no right to invade. But the American people rewarded Reagan with a 49-state landslide.
Trump should declare a national emergency, shift funds out of the Pentagon, build his wall, open the government and charge Democrats with finding excuses not to secure our border because they have a demographic and ideological interest in changing the face of the nation.
For the larger the share of the U.S. population that requires welfare, the greater the need for more social workers, and the more voters there will be to vote to further grow the liberal welfare state.
The more multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual America becomes — the less it looks like Ronald Reagan's America — the more dependably Democratic it will become.
The Democratic Party is hostile to white men, because the smaller the share of the U.S. population that white men become, the sooner that Democrats inherit the national estate.
The only way to greater "diversity," the golden calf of the Democratic Party, is to increase the number of women, African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics, and thereby reduce the number of white men.
The decisive issues on which Trump was elected were not the old Republican litany of tax cuts, conservative judges and increased defense spending.
They were securing the borders, extricating America from foolish wars, eliminating trade deficits with NAFTA nations, the EU and China, making allies pay their fair share of the common defense, resurrecting our manufacturing base, and getting along with Russia.
"America First!" is still a winning hand.
Last year, President Trump suggested a move tantamount to destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States.
Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Current and former officials who support the alliance said they feared Mr. Trump could return to his threat as allied military spending continued to lag behind the goals the president had set.
In the days around a tumultuous NATO summit meeting last summer, they said, Mr. Trump told his top national security officials that he did not see the point of the military alliance, which he presented as a drain on the United States.
Yes illegals work here too. More than 4%. Triggered off a internet rating? Lol.Yes, immigrants. But we're talking illegal immigrants. The argument is always, if the illegals dissapear, our food gets expensive. Which is highly exaggerated.
Again, the wall discussion is not to keep immigrants out, but illegal immigrants.
So before you hand out drunk rating. Learn to read. You look dumb fuck face. Smoke less pot next time.
The rating merely shows me how you wish to be treated. Be an ass, be treated as such.Yes illegals work here too. More than 4%. Triggered off a internet rating? Lol.
Based anecdotally on the farms in my home town and the ones that I'm super familiar with... It's closer to 40% than 4%.Yes illegals work here too. More than 4%. Triggered off a internet rating? Lol.
Only a certain oblivious type is in denial of ho "illegal immigrants" get here. If you think most of them are coming over a wall.... then I have a wall to sell you.Yes, immigrants. But we're talking illegal immigrants. The argument is always, if the illegals dissapear, our food gets expensive. Which is highly exaggerated.
Again, the wall discussion is not to keep immigrants out, but illegal immigrants.
So before you hand out drunk rating. Learn to read. You look dumb fuck face. Smoke less pot next time.
The clean up crew at the plant is 95% "illegal" immigrants. Out of 30 of them 1 is documented. No one wants those jobs. Clean up starts off at 15 an hour. Move up quick as there is so much turnover. None of them show up we don't work. Plant will shutdown. Usda won't let us work in contaminated work area. Speaking of shutdown and usda, guess who will have Saturdays off now? Guess usda don't want to come in Sat as they aren't getting paid.Based anecdotally on the farms in my home town and the ones that I'm super familiar with... It's closer to 40% than 4%.
But what do we know? It's not like anyone in our immediate family is in a farm industry...
I agree with everything that you said. Great post!Only a certain oblivious type is in denial of ho "illegal immigrants" get here. If you think most of them are coming over a wall.... then I have a wall to sell you.
Anecdotal evidence versus CIS.org (Center for Immigration Studies)Based anecdotally on the farms in my home town and the ones that I'm super familiar with... It's closer to 40% than 4%.
But what do we know? It's not like anyone in our immediate family is in a farm industry...
You dumb dumb. 4% of the illegal immigrants work in agriculture, that may still mean you've got 80% of your workers in that shit dump you work in, be only part of that 4% of all illegal immigrants. Less pot, more reading. More drunk ratings. What is triggering me is your inability to read.Yes illegals work here too. More than 4%. Triggered off a internet rating? Lol.
This is the more important figure in your stat. This is what our eyes and experiences are telling us directly.Immigrants do make up a significant share of farm workers — accounting for half or more of some types of farm work.