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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Rumor : Trump to announce Kasich as running mate.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
ASHEVILLE, NC (FOX Carolina) - A local tow truck driver said he refused to tow a woman’s car after he saw Bernie Sanders stickers on the vehicle.

Kenneth Shupe said he was called to pick up a woman stranded on I-26 in Asheville on Monday.

When he saw “a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff” he said he told the woman, “very politely,” that he could’t tow her car because she was “obviously a socialist” and advised her to “call the government” for a tow.

"Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist minded person I have not gotten paid," Shupe said. "Every time I deal with these people I get 'Berned' with an 'e' not a 'u'."

Shupe, who runs Shupee Max Towing in Travelers Rest, said he is a conservative Christian who supports Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
That's a joke, right? Tow truck drivers and impound yards never, ever don't get paid. They'll just keep your vehicle and charge you a daily rate until you come with cash. No credit cards, cash or guarantee on your money. My buddy tried to pay by credit card but the people all gave that uneducated Kentucky hick laugh.........


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Meme Magic: Donald Trump Is The Internet’s Revenge On Lazy Elites

Back in June, three days after Donald Trump announced his candidacy, I predicted that the most mischievous pranksters on the internet would rally around him — and that they’d represent a significant electoral and cultural force.

I predicted that his campaign would focus on trolling the lazy, entitled Establishment elites the American people hate so much. I predicted this combination of internet-age sass would prove almost impossible for feeble opponents like Jeb Bush to overcome. As always, I was right.

By the way, regular readers of this column will know how much I hate to toot my own horn, but I also predicted Trump would perform well with blacks. Polling shows him at anywhere between 12 and 25 per cent with black voters in a general election match-up with Clinton. That’s more than double what the GOP normally achieves.

Trump’s supporters have treated the campaign as one long trollfest. First Jeb, then Marco and finally Lyin’ Ted all stumbled and fell before the chaotic power of Trump’s troll army. Facing a hilarious combination of in-jokes, YouTube remixes, and Photoshop mashups, Trump’s opponents were subjected to non-stop ridicule from the cultural powerhouses of the web.

The internet made them look stupid. The internet made them look weak. And what begins on /pol/ and leaks out into Twitter has a way of colouring media coverage and, ultimately, public perception, even among people who don’t frequent message boards.

Meme Magic: Donald Trump Is The Internet's Revenge On Lazy Elites - Breitbart

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
When you're the greatest presidential candidate in the world today they have a name for you. They don't call you the greatest presidential candidate, they call you Donald Trump. Make America great again.