Fox News anchor Julie Banderas was outraged after Trump posted a tweet Sunday night
complaining about her network's coverage of the fallout from the 35-day partial government shutdown and the negotiations for border wall funding.
"Never thought I’d say this but I think @johnrobertsFox and @GillianHTurner @FoxNews have even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC! "
Trump tweeted.
"@realDonaldTrump This is NOT right. I stand by my colleagues @johnrobertsFox and @GillianHTurner They don’t deserve this. No reporter does. They are doing their jobs and reporting the facts. They are not opinion journalists and deserve the respect from the @WhiteHouse they cover," Banderas said in a reply to the president's tweet.
In another tweet, Banderas noted that journalists often receive "plenty of criticism," but said the president "ought not to be the one lashing out."
"We can and do stand plenty of criticism every day which is fine coming from everyday viewers. Our jobs are not meant to please others," Banderas wrote in follow-up tweet. "But the office of the @POTUS ought not to be the one lashing out. That’s not how this country works. That’s not how Freedom of the Press works."
By "going on Twitter and insulting two of our journalists," Trump put "a target on their backs. In turn his followers will then attack @johnrobertsFox and @GillianHTurner in support on Twitter," she said.
One Twitter user pointed out that this was far from Trump's first attack on journalists. His history of criticizing news outlets, hurling insults at individual reporters and restricting access for those whose coverage he dislikes stretches back to at least the launch of his presidential campaign.
"Very true. But where have you been the last few years?" a Twitter user identified as Jen Moody asked Banderas in response to her tweets. "Trump has criticized virtually EVERY OTHER REPORTER ON THE PLANET (other than Fox). Where were you when targets were being put on their backs?"
"I have always stood up for journalists, no matter what network they work for," Banderas replied.
"Bullying journalists is not Presidential. Period," she said.