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Nov 14, 2019
Oh my, the Arnie of the forum is still butthurt.

Have you found anyone to read Basic Economics to you yet?
I'll see if they have a version with pictures.

Le Chat Noir

How's your communism going Eric?

Are you part of the let the old folk die so we don't have any dirty socialism tribe?



Nov 14, 2019
LMAO, you still don't know what socialism is, Simple Jack.

It's no wonder you love it, you both constantly fail.

Le Chat Noir


Your entire belief structure is falling apart before your very eyes. In real time.

I love that you are on here.

Turns out that socialism is the cure after all! How ya like dose apples?


Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020

Your entire belief structure is falling apart before your very eyes. In real time.

I love that you are on here.

Turns out that socialism is the cure after all! How ya like dose apples?

Yes a century of complete economic failure and 100 million dead is clearly the cure.

LOL, there is a reason they prey on simple people like you.

Le Chat Noir

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Trump businesses barred from getting coronavirus stimulus money, Schumer says
  • President Trump’s businesses are barred from getting loans or investments under the new $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus deal, according to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Care beds and space is in need, Coumo talked about taking over hotels to house the sick and quarantined... Maybe Trump should offer up his hotels to provide space for sick Americans to seek treatment.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Trump privately appeals to Asia and Europe for medical help to fight coronavirus

“We should never be reliant on a foreign country for the means of our own survival,” Trump said at a White House briefing on Tuesday evening. “America will never be a supplicant nation.”

However behind the scenes, the administration has approached European and Asian partners to secure supplies of testing kits and other medical equipment that are in desperately short supply in the US.
(3rd LD) Trump requests S. Korea's medical device support to fight COVID-19 in phone summit with Moon | Yonhap News Agency
U.S. President Donald Trump expressed hope Tuesday, in a phone conversation with President Moon Jae-in, that South Korea could provide medical equipment support, according to Cheong Wa Dae.