Hopefully it's such a landslide tonight it won't even matterThe county of live in Maricopa County of coursework going on the local news saying it will take weeks to vote. Nothing to see here folks move along!
I don't have hope to they been registering illegal aliens here through the DMV to vote!Hopefully it's such a landslide tonight it won't even matter
That's idiotic, it would be one thing if it was happening near the end after a full day of historic turn out, but now...What a shock it's dejavu they are running out of printer ink in of course republican areas here in Maricopa County!
It's only in heavy republican districtsThat's idiotic, it would be one thing if it was happening near the end after a full day of historic turn out, but now...
Get your ass out there and harvest some ballots Mutant.
Already answered this but there were anomalies with ballots that only voted for this race and not president so probably shenanigans as they are still counting ballots.Sorry if I asked already, but@Mutant , what is th3 explanation that AZ went Trump and also voted in a total left wing pos for senate. Is Lake that unlikable, fraud, ? Seems totally incongruent to vote like this