Why is this thread still going? I men
Did you think I wouldn't?
The dates with the squares are the ones I dropped a dose, or doses....
Side note about this. As you see I tripped on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas. The preceding October, on the last day of the first quarter of my senior year, I had just been expelled. For possession of LSD.
Anyways, Christmas eve, I went out with a few friends to get some doses. And we did. Literally the sugar cubes were dropped with the acid right in front of us.That night, I bought 3. I only took one, as I was the designated driver. But shortly after getting baked to ease into the acid trip, we went off driving. It's Christmas eve, its snowing big wet heavy flakes, and I'm blasting La Sexorcisto. Black Sunshine to be precise. I'm going about 60-70 on the backroads in the middle of nowhere, and I fly past a Cook County Sheriff.
So, here I am, rolling down a backroad, with a cop on my ass, having just been expelled for possession of LSD, and I have two soaking sugar cubes on my dash. Fuck that shit, I throw them both in my mouth, cellophane and all. We go about a half mile, with me just sucking this shit clean, and we get to a 'kinda' busy road. I go right. The cop goes left. So, now I have 3 hits of wonderful clean acid in my system. Needless to say, my night was at an end, as the first hit had already grabbed me.
So, I go, I drop my friends off, tell them 'sorry' but I'm going to be in the shit for the next 8 hours. Then I head home.
By the time I get home, I'm tripping balls. The last 2 doses haven't even started yet, but I am feeling pretty good. My whole plan was to not freak out in front of my mom, go to my room, listen to pink floyd and not lose my shit. Pure maintence. Nothing more, nothing less. Just 'yeah I just dropped 3 doses, ruined my night, manage the outcome.'
That was my plan.
Sometimes, plans don't work.
I'm taking off my boots, and my mom asks me if I want to go look at Christmas lights. I just took three fresh hits of acid and sucked the cellophane dry. OF FUCKING COURSE I WANT TO GO LOOK AT CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!!!!
So I relace my boots, and as we step outside, my mom says "Oh. Your car is out. You can drive."
So I did.
Thank God it was Christmas Eve, it was 8-9pm, it was snowing like a motherfucker, and the roads were clear. So I drove. And drove. And drove. For about 90 minutes. By the time this was over, I was fucking tripping balls so hard. Every snowflake was a galaxy. And I'm driving around with my mom, on Christmas Eve tripping balls on 3 hits of acid. Altered states only carry you so far, the gravity of the situation was not lost on me. This is some fucked up shit.
Up to this point, I think I held it together pretty well. Then I pull up in front of the house, and turn the car off....
Spoiler alert: This is where it goes wrong.
I pull up in front of the house, and my mom looks at me like I am fucking retarded. She says "You might want to pull closer to the curb." By this point, I am so fucked up, I can barely speak. But I find myself asking "why?" and getting out of the car, and walking behind it. The car is dead center in the middle of the road. Like, I couldn't place the car more on the centerline if I tried 1000 times. Dead. Fucking. Center.
So, I got back in the car, and pulled up on the lawn. I'm talking all 4 wheels. I didn't just pull up a little bit on the curb. I drove right the fuck up on the front lawn. I really don't know how this situation was never readressed by my mom. I then sat, in the middle of the road, staring at a street light as the snowflakes were floating galaxies of awesome that night. Time was bent, but I probably sat out there for about half an hour...
And that is my Christmas Eve acid drive with my mom story.