The Q Shaman is really MAGA world in a nutshell.
An unemployed, mentally ill fantasist who lives with his Mum, and who promptly shitcanned all of his bullshit the exact second that he started to face actual real consequences for his cosplaying. Instead of manning up and taking the consequences that he arranged his entire life around begging to face, he........... whines that the justice system should send him back to his Mum's house, because he only eats organic food and waaaaah, the jail doesn't serve organic food and waaaaaaah, that's really mean you guys, all he did was orient his entire life around acting as an on-the-scene leader during a violent attack on the Capitol in an effort to (successfully) violently destroy a 200+ year stretch of the peaceful and democratic transfer of power.
All because a spoiled orange rich kid with no knowledge, no experience and no idea how to govern, filled his empty head with thousands of stupid lies that only a total moron could possibly fall for. Brilliant.