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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Freeloading Rusty @cat-smasher or curstyass or whatever makes you feel witty
Dude you need help. You shitpost more and more everyday trolling for a rise from anyone, I'm really concerned about you! Did your mom stop buying you Fruity Pebbles or has your bag of milk gone sour on you?

I thought you hitting me with the emoji ratings were funny, even seen you were hitting others with them too so I started returning the favor without much thought

Now you're contacting me and harassing me about "internet ratings" dude WTF is wrong???

Has your family finally confronted you and driven you over the edge or is this how you pussies fight in Canada?????

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View attachment 66303
Keep it in private messages drama queen!

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I have no idea whats wrong, kinda out of character I guess
Thanks for the heads up but I'll let the chips fall where they may. If I get banned or pinked for posting proof of crusty getting his panties all bunched up all be it
You just got dry snitched on.

Don’t cry to me if you catch shit for breaking the rules, blame it on the guy who pointed it out in writing, forcing the moderators to react to the rule violation.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
What a sycophant bitch.

They are crying and cancelling the debates because they literally don't have a governing platform (other than more wealth redistribution to the billionaire class) and they don't want to participate in a democracy.

Democracies have leader's debates.

Authoritarian cunts refuse to stand on a stage and debate ideas.

Piss and whine about CNN all you want like they've trained you to do (and you will) - but that's the reality.

"Mr Biden...What's your favorite flavor of ice cream"

Sleepy Joe: "I like chocolate and vanilla the exact same"

Hahah. Thanks Joe. Next question will be for Mr Trump.

"Why are you a xenophobic white supremacist asshole who sexually assaults women with your tiny little boy hands?"

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Fucking derp de derps.
Good job, Dems.

For fucks sake.

Oh well. At least there isn't anything super important going on in the world that we need an intelligent leader for.
80 is too old to be President.

But you're worried about intelligent, responsible leaders?

The last guy didn't know what the nuclear triad is, and also takes a public (AND behind the scenes) stance that America shouldn't be a democratic nation.


member 3289

80 is too old to be President.

But you're worried about intelligent, responsible leaders?

The last guy didn't know what the nuclear triad is, and also takes a public (AND behind the scenes) stance that America shouldn't be a democratic nation.

The last guy also thought Finland was a part of Russia.

Not even joking.