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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Man booted out of Marines for being an open white supremacist now running for public office

A former Marine who was kicked out of the Corps for sharing white supremacist messages online is running for office in Kentucky.

Thomas Cade Martin is currently running for District 4 constable in Bullitt County, but he was separated from the Marine Corps in September 2020 after posting a meme with the white supremacist slogan "not stolen, conquered" over a map of the U.S. and other white nationalist propaganda, reported Task & Purpose.

A Marine kicked out of the Corps after sharing white supremacist flyers is now running for local office





kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
'I would like to see a naked body beneath my hands.' GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn is caught on video with male scheduler's hand on his crotch as new ethics complaint claims the congressman gave him thousands of dollars in loans and gifts

  • Footage obtained exclusively by shows Rep. Madison Cawthorn, 26, in a car with his close aide and staffer Stephen Smith, 23
  • Cawthorn sits in the driver's seat and says, 'I feel the passion and desire and would like to see a naked body beneath my hands'
  • The camera then pans back to Smith who says, 'Me too' and then films himself reaching his hand over and into Cawthorn's crotch
  • The video is one of several exhibits filed in support of the ethics complaint drafted by political group Fire Madison Cawthorn
  • The complaint calls for an investigation into a slew of behavior that, the group alleges, has put Cawthorn firmly on the wrong side of a host of House Rules
  • Among the many allegations is the claim that Cawthorn provided thousands of dollars in loans and gifts to Smith

Among the many allegations is the claim that representative for North Carolina's 11th district provided thousands of dollars in loans and gifts to Smith, a staff member, with whom, the complaint states, he is engaged in an improper relationship characterized by steamy postings on social media and so close that the staffer joined Cawthorn on his honeymoon to Dubai in April 2021.

According to the filing Cawthorn has provided free housing, travel and loans to Smith, none of which have been declared or repaid.

The complaint also requests an investigation into the nature of Cawthorn's relationship with Smith stating that the junior member of staff lives with Cawthorn.
apparently there is now a tape going around of him naked, humping a guys face lol

i wonder how that will play with his homophobic supporters

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
“It was just boys being boys”.
-Madison’s homophobic supporters, probably
ill be vague so as to avoid spoilers in case you ever watch Euphoria (great show)

i made a video, commenting on a scene that i thought was homophobic. but a lot of people taught me that i was mistaking homophobia for homoeroticism.

the point of the scene was actually to call out the stereotypical, homophobic jock that regularly engages in homoerotic behavior with his bros

and thats Madison. he's a hater of gays despite himself engaging in homoerotic activities