How can you be this clueless about a subject when you are in the business of political opinion? Holy shit what a fucking idiot.
If Whoopi ever falls ill, I nominate Dr Jill Biden to do the procedure.
How can you be this clueless about a subject when you are in the business of political opinion? Holy shit what a fucking idiot.
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How can anyone send and leave their kid at a PreK/K/elementary public school today then go to work assuming your kid is being educated in basic reading writing math and science but are %100 safeNever in my life would I have imagined that grooming, pedophilia, and indoctrinating children would not only be so wide out in the open like this, but seemingly intelligent people on the left would, by proxy, align themselves with it. This new radical left Democrat party is pushing this disgusting shit in schools, libraries, social media, corporations, etc. The Press Secretary stands up there once a week and accuses parents who dont want their kids exposed to this shit, and groomed, of being Nazi's. You cant vote Democrat and at the same time say you're opposed to grooming and pedophilia. That no longer flies because the two now go hand-in-hand. Thats not me saying it. It's Karine Jean-Pierre and Democrat members who berate parents. It's Joe Biden with his hands all over kids who visit the White House. This is what the new Democrat party has aligned themselves with.
Pick a side.
It's infuriating man. At this point, anyone claiming this is another 'right win conspiracy theory' is in denial, or only tied to the Democrat party because 'orange man bad'. And while we're at it, those in the RINO establishment, who's pockets are filled by the same donors (people who sit on the WEF, big banks, big corps (Disney), etc) as those on the left, support this shit by remaining silent too.How can anyone send and leave their kid at a PreK/K/elementary public school today then go to work assuming your kid is being educated in basic reading writing math and science but are %100 safe
I never thought I'd live to see the day when people approved of and support pedophilia, and indoctrinating children into the world of sex.
Many have picked sides already, it's unbelievable they keep pushing it more and more every day. The Government/The Military/The Press/Social Media/Cable Shows/Drag Queen "Shows" they all want more of it
It is truly what they want. Some refuse to believe what we are seeing. Most won't even believe the history that exposed the party a loooong time ago
Fuck that guyIt's only fitting that this POS is simping for the left.
LOL @ having to go to jail wearing that getup. I knew a guy who got arrested in a wetsuit once, but this is way worse.