Oh you know his ass is blackmailed..How much dirt do they have on Cuban
View: https://twitter.com/MostlyPeacefull/status/1840056005545083018
Swear this is true. I live in a deep red rural area. Someone put a Harris/Walz sign in their yard last week. HOA doesnt allow signs in yards, so this is a first in the 6 yrs we've lived here. A week later, half the neighborhood has Trump signs in their yards.I spotted my first HARRIS/WALZ bumper stiicker on the way home from work today. It was on a Prius.
I sped up to get a glimpse of the human who has bought into this bullshit. When I pulled up I honestly couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy. But I could tell they had never had an ounce of fun in their entire life.
I recently saw some goofy 6ft tall 60-year old white guy cuck wearing a Harris/Walz shirt at a Walmart. He had an old Asian 4'7'' shrimp as his wife. He looked every bit of what you'd imagine a Goof like him would look like...I spotted my first HARRIS/WALZ bumper stiicker on the way home from work today. It was on a Prius.
I sped up to get a glimpse of the human who has bought into this bullshit. When I pulled up I honestly couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy. But I could tell they had never had an ounce of fun in their entire life.
The house on the other side of the road where I work is the only one I ever see that puts up democrat signs during election times, other than that it's all republican everywhere so he sticks out and I kind of pay attention to him. It's a small town so people know everything about everyone. He got the house because his mom died, he's late middle aged. The cops had to come a few months back because some homeless chick was beating him up in his yard, he was supposedly trying to help her. I've never seen a homeless person in any of the towns around here so he must have really looked hard to find her. The guy wears a sportscoat with leather patches when trying to fix his roof. He's been fixing the same 5x5 area of the roof for a good 4 years now.I recently saw some goofy 6ft tall 60-year old white guy cuck wearing a Harris/Walz shirt at a Walmart. He had an old Asian 4'7'' shrimp as his wife. He looked every bit of what you'd imagine a Goof like him would look like...