Somebody is gonna get door knocked
Somebody is gonna get door knocked
Hope so. These lunatics need to be locked up for a while and deprogrammed.Somebody is gonna get door knocked
What an idiot
Are they still pretending Snow Woke is going to be anything other than a write-off?
Empty words due to backlash, she's not sorry one bit, fuck her
America has a Not Beating the Shit out of Freaks crisis. These mutants were supposed to be corrected in grade school.
^^that one is satire, but it's getting hard to tell the diffderence.America has a Not Beating the Shit out of Freaks crisis. These mutants were supposed to be corrected in grade school.
I wonder what it's like to be the punchline for one of the best political responses ever?Poor Rosie
*entire audience and the rest of the world laughs hard*
What fucking bubble is he living inCompletely out of touch with reality.