General The North Hollywood Shootout (1997)

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Posting Machine
Sep 4, 2015
I thought this semi inspired the famous shootout in the movie Heat, but just looked and this was two years after the movie. I wonder if nowadays an explosive equipped drone would have been used.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I thought this semi inspired the famous shootout in the movie Heat, but just looked and this was two years after the movie. I wonder if nowadays an explosive equipped drone would have been used.
Well Hollywood Video sure thought so because it banned the movie


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I thought this semi inspired the famous shootout in the movie Heat, but just looked and this was two years after the movie. I wonder if nowadays an explosive equipped drone would have been used.
Reverse. And heat was based on some ex cops stories about chasing bank robbers.

The shootout in Heat is shown in LE and military classrooms as an example of small team tactics and movement. Its incredibly realistic and on point.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Heat was pretty much a remake, right? Did the original one have an epic shootout?

I miss muzzle fire and booming gunfire, btw. The pop pop John Wick guns are way too realistic.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Heat was a legit 10/10 masterpiece!

even though I hate that bitch, the character & movie are GOAT.

BTW, in the original(can't recall the longer name), the famous Pacino/Deniro coffee scene was actually portrayed better by the actor that Deniro played.
Michael Mann has been until recently my favorite director.
Many of the aspects & terminology can be scene in the awesome movie THIEF, played by James Caan(RIP), best role imo; shot sequence, music interlacing, intensity & lone wolf at night.
Music by Tangerine Dream.

I'm derailing...

Mann also directed a pretty decent flick lately with Chris Hemsworth called "Blackhat".
I didn't think I'd finish it but there were Mann'ish scenes that kept me glued, plus Hemsworth is good.
I thought, *I wonder who directed this?*
Sure enough!
