They had to rewrite his mutant powers in order to do it. I thought by now everyone realized it was a cheap pop like when DC killed Superman.Can be killed.
The idea of ANYTHING being "canon" anymore is laughable. Everything is retconned 6 months after it is stated as fact. I grew up watching Wolverine GET DRUNK in comics and it being a known fact that if you cut Wolverine's carotid artery he would bleed out and die too quickly - before his healing factor kicked in...................Wolverine gave the sword to Cyclops, explaining it by saying: "This is the only thing in the world that can put me down for good."
The mystical properties of the blade mixed with the fact of decapitation means game over friend.
"Muramasa Blade doesn't cut, but slice the matter at molecular level. Wolverine's regeneration power is meant to work from cell or any biological level. As blade cuts on molecular level, the organic matter is destroyed (organic matter is made up of many molecules). So, his regeneration fails to work."
It's not explained fully but that fact that both muramasa blade's can kill him is arguing over it won't change fact.
Just bought that on Comixology a couple of weeks ago. Looking forward to reading it.Punisher fans should check this one out.
Until it is retconned...i'll take canon over all.The idea of ANYTHING being "canon" anymore is laughable. Everything is retconned 6 months after it is stated as fact. I grew up watching Wolverine GET DRUNK in comics and it being a known fact that if you cut Wolverine's carotid artery he would bleed out and die too quickly - before his healing factor kicked in...................
I like your style.....come back more often.Outsider chiming in. What if you throw Wolverine into the sun? What good will healing do him there? I imagine not a lot.
Deadpool might be different if a single cell is enough to regrow him completely, is it though? And would a cell of him be able to survive that?
Not even bringing up black holes.
But generally, if you are able to put someone out of commission for your lifetime, I'd still call this a win.
Obviously, I disagree with the canon statement, but my preferred Wolverine is one who can get drunk and can be killed by getting his throat slit...Until it is retconned...i'll take canon over all.
Wolverine can be killed.
Your Dark man.Obviously, I disagree with the canon statement, but my preferred Wolverine is one who can get drunk and can be killed by getting his throat slit...