Society The ramp-up to "hot" World War....3-4

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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Stop posting lies.

Nothing you say ever happens.
What do you care?
When Biden drops out and you lose that $100 bet, you'll be a good liberal npc and leave the site.
And you've been psychologically prepping for it and rationalizing your welch for weeks.

You'll claim the politics suck, you'll claim too much CT will say & do whatever justifies cheating, like the perfect democrat.

I'll be right, again, and to save face, you'll hide it.
You're probably quietly rehearsing your rage-quit speech while pacing throughout the day.


Nov 14, 2019
What do you care?
When Biden drops out and you lose that $100 bet, you'll be a good liberal npc and leave the site.
And you've been psychologically prepping for it and rationalizing your welch for weeks.

You'll claim the politics suck, you'll claim too much CT will say & do whatever justifies cheating, like the perfect democrat.

I'll be right, again, and to save face, you'll hide it.
You're probably quietly rehearsing your rage-quit speech while pacing throughout the day.
More lies and nonsense

Your biggest wish is I’d quit. It would stop me highlighting your madcap conspiracy theories with facts.

If Biden is forced to quit it will be the first time you have ever been right.

You think 100 mickey mouse bum wad dollars is an amount of money to me?

Just lol. Sorry to be that guy but 70 quid isn't even a night out here. It’s barely a decent lunch. Its really not going to break me.

As Hauler @Hauler says. I hope the senile fuck does go and someone with a brain goes against Trump. Its a win win my friend.

And one other thing. If and I doubt it myself. If Biden somehow does manage to stumble bum his way till November I will not take your hundred dollars. I‘ll insist you keep it for your family. Do not stress about that.