just wasted an hour at the hive of all jeetery ICBC trying to sort out my drivers licence . i renewed it in early february and have been waiting for it to show up in my mailbox.obviously there is no way to deal with this over the phone. why would the government crown corporation be accessible right? so i went down there to find out it hasnt even been mailed out yet and there is a hold on it . if i never went down there i would have never found out. after several back and forths i asked for a supervisor .as soon as a white woman got involved it took 2 minutes to solve the problem and now i start the 90 day wait all over again. i fucking hate these people. if you work a counter and deal with the public you should be required to speak clearly and fluently in english. the first jeet i got had an accent so thick you could cut it with a knife and had zero confidence talking real quiet and looking at the ground. wtf is that? the next one at least had confidence but no idea of how to fix my problem but not willing to admit he needed help. the supervisor clicked a couple keys and fixed my problem in minutes .thats all it needed to take.thats all it needed to be