I'm watching it now. Paul Schafer is pretty funny/brutal so far.
Al Franken might as well have used a baseball bat. Chevy is looking miserable. This might not be as much fun to watch as I'd thought.
E2: Lampinelli is a pig like usual. She barely mentions Chevy, just makes lame, shitty jokes about people in the audience.
E3:Larraine Newman may be one of the few who knows CC and she calls him a racist, dope pushing and using, sleazy, brown nosing, dick. She mocks his movies and his talk show and closes with the most insincere "Chevy, I love you" imaginable.
E4: Mark Marin(sp?) is just a straight up asshole to CC. He clearly doesn't know him and has zero respect. CC didn't want to shake his hand at the end of his spiel.
E5: Richard Belzer says he's known CC so long, he knew him when he was nice, and funny. He says the only time CC has a funny bone in his body these days is when Belzer "fucks him in the ass". No handshake after.
E6: Martin Short, Steve Martin and Nathan Lane in a pre-recorded bit. They seem like they're having fun, and they don't really give a shit.
E7: Beverley D'Angelo got really fat. She barely mentions Chevy and sings a raunchy song "I can't fuck without falling in love".
E8: The late Greg Geraldo makes fun of how none of the big stars Chevy's worked with bothered to show up. He trashes CC's talk show and says Chevy snorted the funny right out of himself.
E9: A still small-time(but clearly very talented) Stephen Colbert talks about the awful things said about Chevy backstage. He admits he doesn't know and has never met CC. He says about Chase "there but for the grace of god, go I....pale and pear-shaped, a humorless husk". He goes on, in one of the most scathing rants of the show. Chevy is not enjoying this at all. Colbert ends by turning Chase's SNL catchphrase "I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not" into an insult.
Colbert is the best roaster so far, and it isn't close.
E10: Pre-recorded bit by Randy Quaid that implies Chevy is a literal cunt.
E11:Chevy takes the podium "I agree with everything that's been said". He weakly tries to take shots at the roasters, and thanks Schafer.