I didn’t say everyone that has one is trashy but I have the right to decide on a case by case
No you don't.
You have zero rights over any adult person apart from yourself.
You can have an opinion. But they are like arseholes. Everyone has one.
I didn’t say everyone that has one is trashy but I have the right to decide on a case by case
You'll be happy to know that in a few hours you will have been the only person on the googles search to have ever uttered those words:proud abortion machine
CorrectNo you don't.
You have zero rights over any adult person apart from yourself.
You can have an opinion. But they are like arseholes. Everyone has one.
My statement was about position.I don’t believe I’ve asked anyone other than you a doctor about prior to 20ish week abortion. If I did please post so I don’t mistake you putting words on my mouth.
Right here:Feel free to State at any time. You keep holding everybody else accountable to state theirs.
What about if the cord hasn’t been cut and the baby’s out? Still part of her body?
You’re ok with killing the baby minutes before it’s born?
I think you got your wires crossed on that post friendoI'm not sure that's accurate. As far as I'm aware states are able to ban second and third trimester abortion, but it isn't mandatory for them to do so.
Not before 20ish weeksMy statement was about position.
Right here:
I'm not arguing semantics.But let's argue semantics
I'm not arguing semantics.
Roe V Wade shouldn't be overturned. It's a decent compromise of private and public interest. We shouldn't even be spending bandwidth on it. Those that have sucked us into this are zealots.
Only if you consider all of the Christian nationalism as a deflection.Its a deflection.
Only if you consider all of the Christian nationalism as a deflection.
As I posted here:
NRSC Memo on Dobbs
The means of monopolizing the airwaves with loaded questions is indeed a deflection. They don't give a shit and are just looking to score points for other reasons
But the movement to ban abortion completely is real and a legit ideology for many.
You're missing the bigger picture
I think you got your wires crossed on that post friendo
On a related note. My hyper-progressive sister in law was in NYC last weekend. While there she went to a Roe v Wade decision protest. Those protestors also don't agree with you that this is centered around 20 weeks:The Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the three trimesters of pregnancy: during the first trimester, governments could not prohibit abortions at all; during the second trimester, governments could require reasonable health regulations; during the third trimester, abortions could be prohibited entirely so long as the laws contained exceptions for cases when they were necessary to save the life or health of the mother.[5] The Court classified the right to choose to have an abortion as "fundamental", which required courts to evaluate challenged abortion laws under the "strict scrutiny" standard, the highest level of judicial review in the United States.[6]
Or sit on the board at PfizerI'm not arguing semantics.
Roe V Wade shouldn't be overturned. It's a decent compromise of private and public interest. We shouldn't even be spending bandwidth on it. Those that have sucked us into this are zealots.
How big is an embryo after one month?
If you guessed just 4 inches, you are close
technically, but not really
At one month, an embryo is about 0.25" or the size of a grain of rice
Agreed. Ive never had a desire to have kids, so I had never looked into it until last week.Imo size is really just an emotional play. It's less "gross".
The real question is ethical about the fetus development, pain, nervous system, etc.
Then there's the ethical and technical aspects of access for a woman.
Hard to hold her accountable if you make her save money and travel for states away to terminate when her decision was made 8 weeks earlier.
We regularly wait until 18-22 weeks to find many major abnormalities that might cuz a woman to decide to abort. That information wasn't available earlier. Judging just on time is arbitrary and ignorant unless only discussing elective termination for nonfetal related reasons.
Bro, when did everything become political teams for you?
The question wasn't about the safety of prescription versus over-the-counter birth control. There's a literal goal to actual legislation to ban abortion and some birth control.
Also you've bit hard... Hook line and sinker by the team sports.
NRSC Memo on Dobbs
member the back to back world series in 92-93?!?When you’re surrounded by asshole yankee fans it’s easy to root for the blue jays.
also please feel free break down my political beliefs .
I’ll start
1-Any abortion after 20-24 weeks is killing a baby
2- People should have to prove they exist to vote