Society The "vaccine"

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Long and Thick Member
Oct 26, 2015
Can Fauci submit a report to VAERS?
does fauci fall under the title of "anyone" ?

stop playing obtuse. read the page directly from the VAERS website

its hard to believe for the average person. VAERS is not a medical data base
its an opinion based bulletin board


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
does fauci fall under the title of "anyone" ?

stop playing obtuse. read the page directly from the VAERS website

its hard to believe for the average person. VAERS is not a medical data base
its an opinion based bulletin board
If Fauci can submit to VAERS, the entire program is bullshit and not to be trusted.


Long and Thick Member
Oct 26, 2015
If Fauci can submit to VAERS, the entire program is bullshit and not to be trusted.
you are almost grasping it now.

fauci, corky, forrest gump, kkm, evilyoshida, me, you, etc (ANYONE!)... all can submit & have posted reports on VAERS.

VAERS is bullshit as a source of data for adverse reactions

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
you are almost grasping it now.

fauci, corky, forrest gump, kkm, evilyoshida, me, you, etc (ANYONE!)... all can submit & have posted reports on VAERS.

VAERS is bullshit as a source of data for adverse reactions
You are the one Grasping

Shitloads of people got injured and died due to an untested vaccine...them is the facts brother


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
you are almost grasping it now.

fauci, corky, forrest gump, kkm, evilyoshida, me, you, etc (ANYONE!)... all can submit & have posted reports on VAERS.

VAERS is bullshit as a source of data for adverse reactions
Me > evilyoshida > kkm > Forrest Gump > you > corky > etc > Fauci


Long and Thick Member
Oct 26, 2015
You are the one Grasping

Shitloads of people got injured and died due to an untested vaccine...them is the facts brother
who or how many people got injured to an untested vaccine is irrelevant.

them facts dont matter when it comes to VAERS

VAERS is accepting, bullshit and unverified.

the issue is when anti-vaxers try to use VAERS as a data source. VAERS is not a legit source.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
not sure what youre going on about.
there is no rationalizing.
it doesn't matter what 30% think. it doesn't matter what 70% think. it doesn't matter what you think.
there is no current hypothesis.
there is no reasoning from me.
Your experience also doesn't matter.
The fact is VAERS accepts reports from anyone.
Directly from the VAERS website- "
" Anyone can submit a report to VAERS "
If nothing matters, including what I think, know, or experienced, prove us tinfoilers wrong file a VAERS report LIKE I TOLD YOU TO DO TWO YEARS AGO.
Some people are just comfortable being a Splinty parrot.



For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Most people accept this. The problem is that it’s the only damn system we have. You got better data?
Canada made their process ridiculously long and then set it to cut off if it wasn’t completed in a certain time frame, all data lost , of course.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Canada made their process ridiculously long and then set it to cut off if it wasn’t completed in a certain time frame, all data lost , of course.
That's some bullshit.

"Sorry, you took too long and timed out. If you don't die tonight, please try again tomorrow."


Active Member
Oct 21, 2015
Any other filthy anti-vaxxers (Covid only) like me here who are happier and happier with your decision to not get jabbed with each passing day? We can debate the accuracy of VAERS all day, but it certainly seems that these vaccines have more side effects than any others that have been widely rolled out before, even if it’s only a small percentage who experience them. And that’s not something I’m happy about by any means - most of my family, friends, and colleagues are jabbed. ?


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Any other filthy anti-vaxxers (Covid only) like me here who are happier and happier with your decision to not get jabbed with each passing day? We can debate the accuracy of VAERS all day, but it certainly seems that these vaccines have more side effects than any others that have been widely rolled out before, even if it’s only a small percentage who experience them. And that’s not something I’m happy about by any means - most of my family, friends, and colleagues are jabbed. ?
I'm not 'happy' or 'relieved' about not getting jabbed, it was never, ever an option.
Literally over my dead corpse, never; I would have starved to death first.
Family, friends coerced & extorted, it's insidious & pure evil from the depths of hell.

People who cite VAERS are the same NPC's that racket "correlation isn't causation", or whatever-the-fuck CIA Tik-Tok catchphrase programmed them this year.
VAERS is historically proven underreported by 100x, at least.
This isn't the case with the gene modification therapy injection reporting.
Yes it's more dangerous than all previous manchurian injections combined, has 5% kill batches in red areas of blue states, but unlike the rest it was forced in a 2-year window so it's highly unlikely it's underreported by 100x.
I'd be guessing at 50-70x.
Morons citing the "anyone can" crap sound like "gun control" advocates citing government propaganda, literally dumb.

As I've said over & over, instead of a rambling cognitive dissonance, everyone everywhere should try reporting an "adverse reaction" to VAERS and follow-up to see wtf happens & gain real-life experience so they don't sound like the deadbeat blue-haired teenager in the back room.
We have pedophiles, body doubles, AI deepfakes & baby-eaters as our black eye "representatives", you're not going to get swatted by the VAERS police for attempting to file a false report, but anyone is free to wear an N95 while doing so.
Also devoid from the "anyone can" crew who somehow have dodged being gunned down on the streets of America where half a billion guns "can" kill them by "anyone", is the fact that there are dozens of agencies worldwide reporting the same thing, Eudraviligence in Europe is statistically on par with VAERS.
It's like a flat-earther citing NASA as the sole arbiter of space intelligence.

This script is so predictable it'd be pathetic if it weren't tragic.
Bill Cooper talked about this shit 30 years ago before he fell onto some bullets.
Alex Jones has a dozen documentaries on it.
Holly-wood has created 50 movies about it.
There's "preparedness" seminars with world elites in plain site before these miraculous events.(ironically preparedness is only wise for actors, it's a punishable offense for plebes).
As I've said over and over, when "election" season warms up is when they start letting the real numbers out, and put it aalllll on Trump.

Psyops don't get much easier to spot, this is slow, methodical & ridiculously stupid, so stupid it has half the population in disbelief.
There's literally 10,000 weakling treacherous paid-off dummies controlling the perception of power on this planet, and they're compromised puppets, influencing drugged out screen addicts.

There is no benevolent "vaccine" program.
There are slaves & slave-drivers.
Congressional exemption from(rather than too) the injection SHOULD'VE been a big fucking clue.
The only injection I could qualify as possibly industry-wide legitimate would be a tetanus shot, purely to keep the slaves building & away from rusty nails.
The term "Conspiracy Theory" was created by the CIA, that's a fact, so what the hell else does a man need to stay out of the dummy category?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
VAERS accepts reports from anyone and does not verify.

"historically" (before covid) most people never heard of VAERS, so yes "historically" most report were from healthcare providers. that is not the case in current times

VAERS is not accurate
VAERS is virtually impossible for a regular person to navigate. The vaccine sucks.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Canada made their process ridiculously long and then set it to cut off if it wasn’t completed in a certain time frame, all data lost , of course.
When my wife reported to her doctor her doctor was just like "Yup. You had a side effect." there was no reporting of anything though.