Well you are responding to the thread, a rather large one with the top scientists on earth being cancelled and demonetized for telling their views, while notoriously corrupt money changers like Fred Hutch are given billions in grants over time.Two article's that refute what Churchill is claiming...
COVID-19 Vaccines and People with Cancer
This page answers questions about COVID-19 vaccines and cancer and how the vaccines may affect cancer treatment.www.cancer.gov
False claim COVID-19 vaccines are linked to 'spike' in cancer cases | Fact check
There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an increase in cancer cases, experts said.www.usatoday.com
Listen, I've no interest whatsoever in getting in a pissing contest with you about this. You're going to believe your information sources & I'm going to believe mine. No harm in that. We just happen to disagree. I can live with that. I've had more than enough arguing on forums about COVID & the vaccines. Been there done that & I have no desire to go back to it. Peace.
No one here condemns others for what they did, although you see indirect mocking, sure.
You did what you thought was right, which means you were trying to do the right thing.
Most people were.
But free speech on the topic was condemned, and that is the telltale sign of tyranny.
As a single parent who lived through carrying his limp toddler to the ER on the worst day of his life after an HPV shot, I'm personally pushed in a certain direction too.
So after studying this for 15 years in-depth, 10 years after these corrupt Khazarian psychopaths permanently destroyed my beautiful perfect sweetheart child, I can only lead anyone who wants to drink to the water, and hope everyone gets as much verifiable and truthful information as possible with unfettered discussion in what's supposed to be a free society.