There have been 45 mass shootings in the US in 2016

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
America has a huge problem with gun violence, there's no denying it.

Scary to think how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to get their hands on fire arms.

Sad to think about how gun violence has and continues to rage in black communities.


I'm just kidding for those that don't know me that well btw. I have no clue how to fix that shit.


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
America has a huge problem with gun violence, there's no denying it.

Scary to think how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to get their hands on fire arms.

Sad to think about how gun violence has and continues to rage in black communities.

No denial here.. I agree with all your point and as a Pro2A guy, am fine with background checks. Even strengthening them.


Feb 9, 2016
and your proposed solution?
Realizing that the original intention of the Second Amendment was not to make sure that everyone had a gun, and instead realizing that it was the formation of militias and keeping the citizenry safe from a tyrannical government.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Realizing that the original intention of the Second Amendment was not to make sure that everyone had a gun, and instead realizing that it was the formation of militias and keeping the citizenry safe from a tyrannical government.
So bigger guns then...


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I'm gonna venture that the majority of this problem is mostly economic?

  • $4,900
    In 2010, the median wealth, or net worth, for black families was $4,900, compared to median wealth for whites of $97,000.
  • 33.9%
    Blacks are nearly twice as likely as whites to have zero or negative net worth—33.9 percent compared to 18.6 percent.
- See more at: African Americans | State of Working America


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Realizing that the original intention of the Second Amendment was not to make sure that everyone had a gun, and instead realizing that it was the formation of militias and keeping the citizenry safe from a tyrannical government.

Then I suggest you get off your ass and soapbox and do something about getting the guns out of the hands of criminals and crazies first. I see this shit on FB all the time. Resist the urge to go for the low hanging fruit by disarming the law abiding citizen first.


Then I suggest you get off your ass and soapbox and do something about getting the guns out of the hands of criminals and crazies first. I see this shit on FB all the time. Resist the urge to go for the low hanging fruit by disarming the law abiding citizen first.
I don't see pointing out a problem as soapboxing personally. Merely observation.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
No denial here.. I agree with all your point and as a Pro2A guy, am fine with background checks. Even strengthening them.
For sure. I'm pretty pro-gun, my dad owned a gun shop when I was a kid so I've been around firearms and shooting them all my life.

It just amazes me how easy it is to obtain them in certain parts of America, like you're buying a cup of coffee.

America is a strange beast, though. Such a divided country.


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I don't see pointing out a problem as soapboxing personally. Merely observation.
Perhaps I'm reading too much in to it. I need to use Facebook for work, unfortunately, and 90% of the people in my industry are anti-gun bleeding heart liberals, so like I said, I see this shit all the time. Perhaps I should have done the same thing I usually do on FB and just ignore the post

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Easier to find on phone than I expected.

Sweets @Sweets

Guns and race: The different worlds of black and white Americans

Consider that 80% of those white deaths are suicide, while almost all of those black deaths are murder...

That leaves 4/100,000 gun murders in the white community -- care to guess how low that number goes when you look at those white and not in poverty? The black community is living a violence on par with the worst countries on earth.
How about fitting a lock to every gun to act as a safety that requires that the shooter solve a math based riddle involving the distillation of a set of numbers before shooting?


Feb 9, 2016
Or I'm not and fixing poverty and social structures that have decimated black America will fix most homicides. And waiting periods will not.

On the other hand, waiting periods and increased reporting might help suicides, but are unlikely to help the insane black murder rate in Chicago.

An assault weapons ban would not help any of them.

So given the pandering of politicians pushing banning rifles on looks, while ignoring that most gun crime is pistols, I think it worth continuing to understand the underlying ACTUAL issues.
No, you're absolutely right. And I apologize. I went back and reread my comment and it sounded really shitty when I did that, so I'm sorry. That was not my intention. I'm just very blunt, and it gets me in trouble.

You have a very valid point and I'm sorry I came across the way I did. Thank you for handling it properly when I did not. It just sounded better in my head than it did when I typed it.


Perhaps I'm reading too much in to it. I need to use Facebook for work, unfortunately, and 90% of the people in my industry are anti-gun bleeding heart liberals, so like I said, I see this shit all the time. Perhaps I should have done the same thing I usually do on FB and just ignore the post
Well, i look at it this way. No one can see every angle. If i were to hold up say, an apple between you and me and on your side it looked bright and delicious you'd say, "that's a good fuckin' apple" but same apple could be rotten on my side and i'm like,"dude you're nuts that shit'll make you sick!"

It's all just points of view. I try to spin the apple around the whole way before i eat it. Metaphorically speaking of course. :D


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Well, i look at it this way. No one can see every angle. If i were to hold up say, an apple between you and me and on your side it looked bright and delicious you'd say, "that's a good fuckin' apple" but same apple could be rotten on my side and i'm like,"dude you're nuts that shit'll make you sick!"

It's all just points of view. I try to spin the apple around the whole way before i eat it. Metaphorically speaking of course. :D


Feb 9, 2016
Then I suggest you get off your ass and soapbox and do something about getting the guns out of the hands of criminals and crazies first. I see this shit on FB all the time. Resist the urge to go for the low hanging fruit by disarming the law abiding citizen first.
I'm one of the crazies in question. =)

I do my part by voting and not having a gun myself. The whole 3 boxes to affect change thing (ballot box, soap box, ammo box, in that order).

Your point is not lost on me. I could do more. I just realize that I'm in the minority on this issue. I realize that most people do not read the Constitution the same way as I do. That's fine. Discussions are great.

I think my comment was another issue with me being blunt. You asked the question and I answered.


I'm one of the crazies in question. =)

I do my part by voting and not having a gun myself. The whole 3 boxes to affect change thing (ballot box, soap box, ammo box, in that order).

Your point is not lost on me. I could do more. I just realize that I'm in the minority on this issue. I realize that most people do not read the Constitution the same way as I do. That's fine. Discussions are great.

I think my comment was another issue with me being blunt. You asked the question and I answered.
I personally like directness for the most part.


As long as greed and ego exist, there will be shootings. I don't see a way around that. Am i coming off crazy for thinking that way?


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'm one of the crazies in question. =)

I do my part by voting and not having a gun myself. The whole 3 boxes to affect change thing (ballot box, soap box, ammo box, in that order).

Your point is not lost on me. I could do more. I just realize that I'm in the minority on this issue. I realize that most people do not read the Constitution the same way as I do. That's fine. Discussions are great.

I think my comment was another issue with me being blunt. You asked the question and I answered.

Are you saying you want to fight? MEET ME IN THE GARDEN AT 7!

I dig and while we don't agree, sorry if I came off defensive and cunty. I'm about to punt kick a clients head so I'm feeling a bit froggy. As you can see, my temperament makes me a poster child for gun owners


Dreams are free, motherfucker
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
As long as greed and ego exist, there will be shootings. I don't see a way around that. Am i coming off crazy for thinking that way?

If it's not a shooting, someone will be bludgeoned with a brontosaurus bone


I'm one of the crazies in question. =)

I do my part by voting and not having a gun myself. The whole 3 boxes to affect change thing (ballot box, soap box, ammo box, in that order).

Your point is not lost on me. I could do more. I just realize that I'm in the minority on this issue. I realize that most people do not read the Constitution the same way as I do. That's fine. Discussions are great.

I think my comment was another issue with me being blunt. You asked the question and I answered.
Are you saying you want to fight? MEET ME IN THE GARDEN AT 7!

I dig and while we don't agree, sorry if I came off defensive and cunty. I'm about to punt kick a clients head so I'm feeling a bit froggy. As you can see, my temperament makes me a poster child for gun owners
Both of you guys are fucking awesome in my book for making TMMAC the best damn forum on the web. Where else can you go and not have shit on the whole devolve into bullshit? :D