Tips to learn a new language?

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Royce Nelson

Iron sharpens something
Dec 31, 2015
So I have been working on my Spanish these past two weeks, and I was curious if anyone had any tips to help my journey to being bilingual.

Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.


practice your vocabulary A LOT. I have been learning a different language than Spanish but I think the same rule applies, you have got to repeat that shit until it becomes ingrained.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I found having conversations with native or people who speak another foreign language well always worked best for me.

member 3289

The only way you will ever become fluent is through immersion.

Find a job in a Spanish-speaking country. The less access you have to using English, the better.


Nov 3, 2015
Do you have tandem-language programs nearby?

Also read books you are interested in in Spanish, have something to translate nearby. Takes longer to read, but I think that really gives good results.

Move on to TV when you are ready.

Deleted member 1

Basics via duolingo ( app ) and Michel Thomas (

Watch Spanish Soaps Operas for fucking serious. That's the best.

Read something bilingual like La Prensa:

You now have a basic idea of words and sounds, but you need to practice more:

Find a local meetup:
The Houston Spanish Language Meetup Group

In my case, I have taken contracts for jobs in cities or clinics that I am forced to speak Spanish to my patients.

Take a Spanish language trip
This can be a formal immersion process where you do class in the AM and then are free to roam after that. Some will give you the option of a host family or a hotel. Depends on what you want to do with the trip.

Or just go somewhere. There will be English all over tourist areas but everyone will speak Spanish too. So go to Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru and challenge yourself to speak only Spanish while there. 2 beers beforehand is the secret.

The great thing about Spanish is that the populations that speak it LOVE your trying and tend to be relaxed in such pursuits. Your mistakes are fun and admirable, and not embarassing. Your ability to share a beer, some food, and try goes a long way.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
Immerse yourself in a side piece that speaks the language.


Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Same as with active shooting I go with the Mozambique method. Every single word you hear you make sure to repeat 5 times in a row, preferably in your head unless you want people to think you're a retarded parrot.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Same as with active shooting I go with the Mozambique method. Every single word you hear you make sure to repeat 5 times in a row, preferably in your head unless you want people to think you're a retarded parrot.

When you go and do everyday stuff like go to the supermarket or whatever every item you pick up say it in Spanish.

When you're paying for your shit, think in Spanish. When you get the bus think in Spanish and so on.

Helped me learning Thai.

Ghost Bro

Wololo ~Leave no turn unstoned
Nov 13, 2015
If you can't go to the place, watching TV in that language helps too. I learned most of my english from Spongebob Squarepants.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

When you go and do everyday stuff like go to the supermarket or whatever every item you pick up say it in Spanish.

When you're paying for your shit, think in Spanish. When you get the bus think in Spanish and so on.

Helped me learning Thai.
Once internalized instead of saying "Oh Fuck: you''ll be rocking "Jet Mae or Aye Hiia"
My native tongue is now my third language lol.