TME about Guard dogs as family pets

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I don't really have confidence in any dog fighting off an intruder. I'm thinking about getting a bear.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Malinois. My dad has a few of them. Great working dogs, but very high energy, and many have weak nerves. May not be the best around kids.
Customs agents at my job and special forces use Belgian malinois they are like smarter German shepherds,if they aren't trained well they can do some serious damage, beautiful dogs doe

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Customs agents at my job and special forces use Belgian malinois they are like smarter German shepherds,if they aren't trained well they can do some serious damage, beautiful dogs doe
Yeah if I had the time to train it and the knowledge Id consider one of them but I dont plus apart from puppy school and early socializing I want the dog to be the kid's responsibility. Famous last words of a dad buying his kids a pet no doubt.

My kids have prior convictions for pet murder, numerous gold fish werent fed or over red, and Bella our guinea pig was also murdered by them but they are older now.

Fish and that fucking rat I could deal with but not a dog being mistreated by the little bastards.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
You been in Thailand for to long then. When ive been there i always hoped whT i was eating wasnt dog. But im not sure. Really not sure.
Basically they only eat dog in Sakhu Nakhon. Laos and Cambodia are less discriminating.

member 1013

But for serious, cut or uncut, I don't care, as long as its long and hard.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I've got a 3 year old Rottie and can say that from having my own and interacting with a lot of other Rottie owners, they are great guard dogs and need no training in that capacity, they just naturally gravitate towards that role. Gotta bring them up well though, they are willful fuckers.



First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
I had a German Shepherd that hid under the house when a burglar broke into our house, meh he was still my best mate.

Where do you live now?
Your shepherd was a pussy. Get a new one, and don't train it to be a pussy. Do that, and you'll have what you are looking for. A dog that will let you know when something is up, is large and aggressive enough to make someone think twice, and is loyal enough to put itself in that situation. Beyond that, they are intelligent dogs who are great with kids.

Other than that, I've only had lab/retriever mixes (good dogs for the most part) and a blue heeler (very trainable, but a big pussy).