I have a few, but the CRKT M16 with a blaze orange handle is my favorite.
I've had it for nearly two decades. At the time I bought it, I had a problem losing knives. I go camping, backpacking, hunting, fishing, etc. I've dropped many knives in the woods or a river or lake numerous times which is why I went with a blaze orange handle with this one (they offer a black handle too). I can't lose this thing. I've dropped it many times, but it is always easy to find. The blade holds up well, and given the partial serrations, it has been very useful over the years. It has been my go-to for many years.
jason73 gave me a SOG around Christmas time. I've made that my hunting knife for gutting out animals. It's held up well so far. I have a few others that I rarely use. There is a Leatherman in my tackle box for fishing (pliers are useful there) and another in my saddle bag on my bike along with another in my truck that I've never had the need to use.