Plenty of girls need to wipe their lips afterwards.His son wiped his lips after. I don't think his son was that into it.
It doesn't mean they weren't into it.
Plenty of girls need to wipe their lips afterwards.His son wiped his lips after. I don't think his son was that into it.
Plenty of girls need to wipe their lips afterwards.
It doesn't mean they weren't into it.
I went thru age 11 with each of my son's and work with 11 year olds. No way I believe kid did that to be a smart ass. That kid has been trained to kiss Daddy for favors. And he has been made to do it "better" before.don't see anything wrong with it. The kid was basically being a smart ass by sticking his lips on his Dad's for an uncomfortable time.
and people getting bent about teaching the kid that everything comes at a price need to understand that it was obviously said in jest, and 11 yo kids have a sense of humor. And the kid retaliated the way 11 yo kids retaliate. Just seems like a goofy moment between father and son.
but I'm now convinced that Tom has gone the Barry Bonds route. He's getting high level shit that's 10 years ahead of the Pee Patrol. But he knows he has to get out in front with an alternate explanation so he opens up to a documentary about his awesome regime of nuts and berries that keeps him playing.
You could see the poor child wipe his mouth with the t-shirt after that.If he's intent behind it is innocent, then so be it. Let him be a loving father. But when he wanted seconds, literally, seconds... that got a bit weird. I wonder if the son was thinking "I'm not a baby anymore!". It's not something I would do. On the cheek to show affection, a hug, but that is it.
Well, I have heard what you people do to stop the bloodflow after a circumcision.Not weird at all. I will do the same to my babies when I have them. I kiss my kitty right smack on the mouth all the time multiple times. Love is love.
Hahaha true but I was really being serious. I'm an extremely affectionate person with my wife and my kitty and will be with my kids. Now like Miesha said maybe when Or if have a boy and he gets that age will I really know if it's weird.
Why were you looking anywhere else but the face?The kiss was borderline but the towel moving during the kiss was a bit much imo.
I always show a man respect by staring at his balls while he is talking to me.Why were you looking anywhere else but the face?