Lifestyle Tractor Talk

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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Sounds like you need a skidsteer. Tractors are great for mowing and working up the dirt but if you want to move much dirt then get a skid steer.
I totally newb'd that up, & confused "skid steer" for a attachment connection option, bolt vs. Quick attach.
One would think after several minutes of tractor research I would have had that down by now.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Sounds like you need a skidsteer. Tractors are great for mowing and working up the dirt but if you want to move much dirt then get a skid steer.
With 5 acres to bush hog quarterly I definitely need a tractor.
I'd love a skid steer like a bobcat, but in my particular situation that'd be more of a rental.
Or if I was rich, but then I'd buy a bulldozer & take it to Granby Colorado for upgrades.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I love tractors and skidsteers and excavators

Not familiar with the quality or details of buying new the last 10 years, I only drive them a few times per year when I rent. I used to operate them every day all day when I worked for a Co op that owned them so I can really only speak to those specific models and manufacturers.

A strong PTO is amazing, have done so many amazing things with them.
Had a large PTO water pump once that could empty or fill these holding ponds and lakes we were building with ease. I also rigged it to run 400-500 sprinklers at once lol, we were rehabbing a desolate wetland...Ran that operation of of a really old Kubota which was a great rig.
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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Honestly unless you plan on using the back hoe a ton you can save a shit load of money by not getting one and just rent a mini excavator for the day whenever you need one.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Dig a crawfish pond.
Grow rice, raise fish to shit and grow rice, then bring in the crawdads seasonally and then trap them. rinse repeat?
Honestly unless you plan on using the back hoe a ton you can save a shit load of money by not getting one and just rent a mini excavator for the day whenever you need one.
I agree 100%.
The small tractor backhoes are very limited if you have used a medium sized or Mini Excavator. Different tools for different jobs.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Honestly unless you plan on using the back hoe a ton you can save a shit load of money by not getting one and just rent a mini excavator for the day whenever you need one.
I need a hoe every day


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Honestly unless you plan on using the back hoe a ton you can save a shit load of money by not getting one and just rent a mini excavator for the day whenever you need one.
I have to dig a two root cellars, and an underground bo....tornado shelter.
I have to trench several long distance lines.
I also need 2 permaculture ponds, and gotta relocate gravel over protected areas.
I was actually just going to buy a mini excavator, but have 5 acres of goat food to keep down so opted for the tractor option.
I'll be moving a lot of pallets too.
And leveling & grading land for containers & houses.
A lot of post & pillar type work too, and gonna build a running track around a pond, a basketball court, a sidewalk, a new gated entry concrete pad, chicken tractors, fencing, and gonna try to built a middle east style natural air-conditioned tower.
Also a log home, mini cabins(foundations).
I also want to build a landing strip for a Cessna and a a large watch tower.
No covs codes or restrictions, so why not build a small skyscraper right.

Also need to build a giant billboard and advertise my hatreds.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I have to dig a two root cellars, and an underground bo....tornado shelter.
I have to trench several long distance lines.
I also need 2 permaculture ponds, and gotta relocate gravel over protected areas.
I was actually just going to buy a mini excavator, but have 5 acres of goat food to keep down so opted for the tractor option.
I'll be moving a lot of pallets too.
And leveling & grading land for containers & houses.
A lot of post & pillar type work too, and gonna build a running track around a pond, a basketball court, a sidewalk, a new gated entry concrete pad, chicken tractors, fencing, and gonna try to built a middle east style natural air-conditioned tower.
Also a log home, mini cabins(foundations).
I also want to build a landing strip for a Cessna and a a large watch tower.
No covs codes or restrictions, so why not build a small skyscraper right.

Also need to build a giant billboard and advertise my hatreds.
AKA I'm starting a Cult

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I looked at everything for almost a year.
I almost signed on a really nice CAT when they were offering 0%.

I went in a different direction for a couple of reasons. Your "in this economy" point is one of them. I didn't want payments/obligations because the future Is uncertain.
I wanted something that could be serviced locally if needed.
I wanted implements and I wanted to be able to buy them today.

I settled on used/refurbished and once I did that it opened up the world of Yanmar gray market tractors.
Yanmar is out of Japan. They made all the small/med tractors for John Deer for like 30 years, so any place that works on JD already knows these units inside and out.
Japan has some weird emissions laws and basically you can only run a tractor for a couple years and then the govt wants it replaced. They have massive subsidies for this.
These rotated out units hit the gl9bal market in this way.

Theres lots of people that bring them in to the US for resale, of varying scruples. Some just degrease and spray a new coat of paint, some tear them all the way down and do a legit resto.
I chose the latter and had to drive to Alabama to get it, but it was worth the trip IMO.

I have Yanmar 2800. It's 28hp to the PTO (that's how they measure there) but it's 32 to the axle. They don't use buckets for alot over there, so fredricks adds that new with an OK bucket.

By buying refurbished I was able to get the tractor, forks, after market 3rd function kit, plow blade, a grapple, and a 16' car hauler for around $16,000 total via looking for deals and pouncing. All new except for the tractor.

Everyone has different needs and a different picture in their head, this is what I did.

Good luck.
We have a Yanmar diesel engine in my sailboat.

16 HP just to get out of the channel.

It's super reliable and great.

Very few problems.