He's a fucking machine. Seriously. 78 years old, works 20 hrs a day, doesn't use a teleprompter, completely captures an audience, takes the media to the woodshed, etc.whats so impressive is no cue cards or teleprompter
He really is.Vance is just as good too. he's learning from the master
doesn't drink or do drugs either.He's a fucking machine. Seriously. 78 years old, works 20 hrs a day, doesn't use a teleprompter, completely captures an audience, takes the media to the woodshed, etc.
Freestylewhats so impressive is no cue cards or teleprompter
He has been planning this speech for the last 4 years, he was robbed, slighted and attacked by the last admin.He has no shits to give and the dems are getting it right in their face.
good questionthe chick in red keeps standing on the dem side
they are so petty and miserableDemocrats couldn't even clap for that?