Trump is a well documented life long con man. Look at his casinos, his school, his steaks.... The man loves to buy things to slap his name on to promote his "Brand", then he bankrupts them and cuts bait, leaving other people holding the bag.
How can people not see his presidency as an extension of this? What bigger thing in American culture is more prestigious or valuable to slap your name on than the presidency? Do you think Trump gives a fuck about politics or policy? The presidency was an ego dream. Then what did you do with it? Did he advance any mandate? No. He gave tax breaks to his rich buddies, and solidified the wealth of his kids.
He couldn't run on a "Make me Rich" platform so he politicized a bunch of dummies by tying himself in with some imagined culture war. You vote for him, or you're voting for socialist transgendered vaccine loving open border sheep.
Now the grift is over. Trump got what he wanted. However there is still a vocal radicalized segment of dummies who bought in so hard the first time, that they are desperate to have him come back and do it again. They have made him some sort of political genius who will have the answers to all the problems socialist Biden has caused. These weirdos don't want a president, they want a daddy with all the answers. (They are starting to do it with Elon Musk). Anyone with any detachment and critical thinking can step back and see Trump for what he is, but these people already dug their heels in. The made MAGA part of their identity. They waved the flags. They alienated friends and family. They are in too deep now to turn back. Their ego won't even let them entertain the idea that they might be wrong. They only way they can save face and avoid having to take a look in the mirror is to commit even harder. No matter how ridiculous they look.