The Big Guy
I got his address now.@Bones Nose crips have entered the chat
If I feel like trump could lose by one vote I'll take matters into my own hands
I got his address now.@Bones Nose crips have entered the chat
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Ohio: Trump vs. Biden
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Ohio: Trump vs. Bidenwww.realclearpolitics.com
including rasmussen
Trump yard signs: plentiful@Hauler tell us about ohio
Trump yard signs: plentiful
Biden yard signs: zero
Trump bumber stickers: everywhere
Biden bumper sticker: I've seen 1 but it was on a Subaru so it doesn't count.
Trump memorabilia stands: 3 that I've seen
Biden memorabilia stands: zero
I was behind a pickup truck yesterday that had 2 flags flying from its tailgate. One was the American flag with the blue line in support of the police, the other was Trump.
There's even a building along I-74 that has a giant Trump sign on it - it has to be 10' tall by 80' long. I will take a picture tomorrow.
The Dems are too far left and people are tired of the cancel culture and enabling of misbehaving rioters. In 2016 Trump supporters were silent but spoke loudly at the voting booth. Now people are tired of being silent as the Dems and Media try to turn this country into a complete clusterfuck of chaos.
The only way Biden wins is if they mail out pre-signed, self addressed, postage-paid ballots to every registered voter in predominately Democratic areas and conveniently forget to send them out to predominantly GOP areas.
They tried to steal the election in 2016 and spent 4 years bitching about it.
They're going to try it again in 2020.
The more he talks, the more I think he has zero path to victory.Then weirdly Wisconsin becomes biden's path to victory above. I can't remember Wisconsin being a very key state to fight over in the past.
What if Trump and Biden realize that the more they talk the more votes they lose. And then we have an entire election with the two candidates attempting to out-hide each other? One could dream.The more he talks, the more I think he has zero path to victory.
The most unlectable man in the world is about to win back-to-back elections. The Dems have no path and no clue.
If Trump can just continue making awesome deals for America that would be great. I don't need him on Twitter.What if Trump and Biden realize that the more they talk the more votes they lose. And then we have an entire election with the two candidates attempting to out-hide each other? One could dream.
I've never been to Wisconsin.