General Trump's Running Shit Like a Motherfuckin BOSSS

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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
The IQ tests that I had weren't really reliant on educational facts. Most of them tried to remove the cultural bias and test pattern recognition, reading comprehension, manipulation of abstract concepts. They were testing for the building blocks rather than the expression of them.

I think the consensus is that genetics determines a ceiling of an individual, but education can determine how close to that ceiling someone gets
We're talking about the gap in intelligence between races. Those stat's are derived from education, high school graduation scores.
That's what upsets the leftists so much. Their whole narrative is that if you just took Tyreeq and put him in an Ivy League school, he'd end up in the same socioeconomic boat as his classmates. The failure rates of minorities in these schools i
Leftists are the most racist cunts out there. They put Nazis to shame.
Think about it. Of all the stupid shit you've heard them say . Have you ever heard them say once " blacks are more intelligent than white's " . It's not like they're above lying.
White liberals believe they are smarter than blacks and they're just happy to lower standards for them rather than make the case that they can achieve thing's on their own.
Human intelligence is one of the more thoroughly tested fields of psychology in an ocean of bullshit. I suspect they'll try and sabotage that because it's a real pain in the ass to their narrative: the idea that you can socially engineer people into what you want.
I've never once seen a narrative, especially one that's pushed by the government and media or one that both sides agree on that's not bullshit.
Everything they tell us is bullshit.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Might make more sense if you viewed intelligence like any other physical attribute. No amount of training or supplements could have me bench more than Brock Lesnar on his worst day. But if I and my offspring consistently bred across generations with people with a higher physical ceiling, maybe my descendents could. I don't think intelligence is all that different. Education in this case is just another word for training. Financial resources is just supplementation. It's just that our society places some sort of moral value on intelligence, so it's uncomfortable for some to point out that no, not everyone is created equal on that front.
I appreciate you trying to steelman my argument but that's not what I'm talking about.
It's my opinion that if you take a group of dumbfuck blacks and give them access to a consistently high quality education and economic conditions aren't a factor ( ie they don't have to turn to selling drugs or something to get ahead) then you will see a massive jump in the group IQ . Within a few generations. Same genetic pool.
My speculation is there's probably something to do with genetic memory or something going on.
The same way some people tend to have a natural aptitude for some thing's more than others with equal or higher intelligence when they have a family history of it.