UFC 222 Live Discussion - 3/3/18

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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
there was a recent study that showed that muscle has 'memory' which remembers the size you've built it to. allowing for it to be easier to rebuild that muscle afterwards if you lose it. cheating to build that muscle with steriods permently alters your body to give you an advantage for life to rebuild muscle. women have a much harder time building muscle because of low t. cyborg is one of the biggest cheats in the sport.

member 3289

Let Frankie fight BJ for a fourth time to boost his confidence after that loss


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Prof Gundersen says:

“The results in our mice may correspond to the effects of steroids lasting for decades in humans given the same cellular ‘muscle memory’ mechanism. The new results might spur a debate on the current World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code in which the maximum exclusion time is currently two years.”