Shamalamadingdong is here Mr BurtonJing a dingalinglong ate some big shots there
Yes, you can see it on the main forum page where there is the red "live" sign.Are auto updates turned on ? I haven't bought a ppv in a long time and I did this to see the chat in fight time.
no matter what happens morgan will always lob dana a softball right off the bat....soo dana how do you feel about having your 375th in a row sold out event and record live gate for this arena?Now we have John Morgan's fat ass getting every first question, Dana being calculated w/ what he says, watered down cards, etc.
Give me BKFC all day.
Yep, new posts auto loadingAre auto updates turned on ? I haven't bought a ppv in a long time and I did this to see the chat in fight time.
He has to get the first series of questions because of the UFC's deal with USA Today, right? And because he's a simp who will lob matter what happens morgan will always lob dana a softball right off the bat....soo dana how do you feel about having your 375th in a row sold out event and record live gate for this arena?
Extreme loads....Says live, but I'm having to manually refresh sometimes