Wahahahahahahahahahashahahaahahashahahahaahaif its Bethe vs Raquel next.......
Ahhhhh, I want this... But, but.... No.I got $50 on Pennington vs somebodys $25 on Correira if anyones down
Who you picking tonight? Just got inNobody wants some easy $$?
That was a photoshop btw.I hope bethe didn't soil herself again
Oh in that case, boners away. May the best man bang.I thought he divorced Zoila.
That guy dana likes WOnI just got home in time to see that destruction of Court.
I've never seen McGee treated like that.
Also; what the fuck is up everyone? Who won the Swanson/Dodson fights?
these were posted earlierI just got home in time to see that destruction of Court.
I've never seen McGee treated like that.
Also; what the fuck is up everyone? Who won the Swanson/Dodson fights?
Thats the Pennington\correira bet right?Ok fuck it, I'll take it!