ufc to decide on silvas participation in tuf

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
There needs to be some type of punishment. Why not just yank him from the show.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
ok if he isn't suspended and is allowed to be on TUF, that tells you that the ufc corruption is running wild.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I Wild Each It;n13871 said:
I understand the $$$ greed part of it but if they aren't going to make examples of people then the rules have to be changed, i.e. allow all fighters to do PEDs.


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I Wild Each It;n14460 said:
Lmao. They have no shame or credibility.

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YEP, hard to have shame when there is no one to take you to task for any transgressions.

And just think IWEI, you gave those stupid fucks some money on Saturday.....good job!

:squintfinger:Just busting your balls brotha, haha

Captain America

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First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Until he's suspended, I think he should stay on the show. If, by some miracle, he's cleared of this, he should be allowed to do the show. I think they should withhold punishment until the commission rules on it.

The problem with that, is that the show will be done filming by the time the commission acts. That complicates things, in my opinion. He shouldn't be punished by the UFC until the commission suspends him, but by that time it'll be too late to remove him, and you can't just edit him out.

So what should they do? Risk keeping him, and appear to selectively apply the rules for their convenience? Risk pulling him and him being vindicated? If he is, it'll be much more costly to the UFC, they'll have to pay him whatever he would've been paid for TUF, plus whatever the layers decide is fair to cover his loss of popularity and revenue from not being on the show, and the damage to his reputation from being prematurely punished. It's potentially very messy.

I'd pull him from the show, the odds of him beating this are low. I understand why they're keeping him, though, and I don't blame them.

Mad Dog

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First 100
Jan 14, 2015

"Anderson Silva has been one of the greatest athletes this sport has ever seen. He has had a long and distinguished career in mixed martial arts. In his nine years with the UFC, Anderson has never tested positive for a banned substance. In light of this, we want to ensure that Anderson gets his due process and we will support him during this time. While this process plays out, Anderson will continue in his role as coach of The Ultimate Fighter Brazil. Of course we will continue to monitor the actions of the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

"We fully support the Commission's out-of-competition drug testing program, which we have financed when requested over the past two years. Testing of this nature is important to help keep the sport clean. The director at the laboratory in Salt Lake City has now explained the timing of Anderson's test results and why the Commission and the UFC did not receive the results until February 3, after the fight.

"Once all the results have been made public and the Nevada State Athletic Commission has rendered its decision, we will respect the process and move forward accordingly."



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
im not even surprised by this bullshit any more. id be more surprised if they did the right thing for once


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
See I told you guys the UFC was the top of the corruption, allowing Silva to remain as a coach only shows that they care about 1 thing MONEY, they have no care what so ever about a fighter juicing, they have no care about a fighter snorting coke. The UFC is in downward spiral my friends.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's win win for them. They keep silva on and he beats the charge it leads to a vindicated bout where he proves he is the goat.

If not then they yank him on camera, replace him with the next star and forever talk about how disappointed they are in him while highlighting PEDS are way worse than coca in whiless they continue to back Jon as p4p goat


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Thatonedude;n14682 said:
In all fairness they aren't fighting
They arent. In normal circumstances it's fine for them to do whatever they like. But the issue starts when they talk down people doing the same, granted they are breaking rules.

Imagine if Amy winehouse opened a house of wine, then fired one of her employees for having shit teeth, shit hair, a drink problem, a drug problem and being a zombie.

It would be kind of ironic


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Thatonedude;n14682 said:
In all fairness they aren't fighting
of course they are not but they have the high and mighty attitude of blow and roids are for winner and weed is for stoner criminals.
they themselves as private citizens can do whatever they want.
they as owners and representitives of the ufc look fucking ridiculous and hypocritical when they are on tv juiced to the nuts like lorenzo.