I got banned for saying Kirik was a shitty writer, how he editorialized news pieces so much it bordered on propaganda.I'd give them a stern talking to but I was banned after I mentioned this place ONCE.
How petty do you have to be to ban somebody for something like that? How thin skinned?
What surprised me was how little it bothered me, I had all my posts erased about 3 years ago and I was IRATE. bitched and moaned and they restored them(it was kirik personally that time too).
Fast forward 3 years and I get banned completely, and it just kinda made me laugh. I asked myself why aren't I mad about this? And all I could do was think how much of a shitty decline the ug had been on, a straight slope into the shitter. Posts would have only the op, no replies, from hours previous and still be on the main page. I remember having used to dig on page 2 for something I saw less than an hour ago, to say nothing of the mouth breathers and insults over opinion instead of actual argument/debate.
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