IMG/GIF Various Maps of Syria/Iraq

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member 3289

U.S. aren't going to intervene in Afrin. Tillerson said the other day that U.S. interests are only by the Euphrates.
So the Kurds will get ousted from Afrin and pushed back to Manbij then

member 3289

It's mountainous terrain and they have dug in. We'll see if Turkey are willing to pay the cost in lives to push them out.
Kurds in the mountains are a pretty formidable enemy


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Kurds in the mountains are a pretty formidable enemy
Yes indeed. They are originally a mountain people; that's their natural terrain. They have traditionally nearly always been auxiliaries of the Turks though going all the way back to their beginnings in the region. They're liable to find they have met their match in a superior martial culture this time out however. This might be interesting.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
I don't know how much of it will be turning their backs though. We don't have a political relationship with the YPG (it is strictly a military one) because we don't want to risk offending Turkey.

The recent establishment of a US-backed border security force bt the YPG-dominated SDF reportedly infuriated the Turks.
They were always going to attack the Kurdish areas at some point. The assault on Idlib is why this kicked off now.

member 3289

They were always going to attack the Kurdish areas at some point. The assault on Idlib is why this kicked off now.
I think they've found a "safe" place they can attack the Kurds without the US getting upset to the point of intervening.

I don't think they will try any of this shit east of the Euphrates.

member 3289

It's mountainous terrain and they have dug in. We'll see if Turkey are willing to pay the cost in lives to push them out.
Mixed reports so far but the YPG are saying they've killed 10 FSA rebels and 4 Turkish soldiers.

No reports of any YPG soldiers dying as of yet.

Turkey has vastly superior air capabilities, but this is starting to look a lot like Aegon Targaryen's failed conquest of Dorne...


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Mixed reports so far but the YPG are saying they've killed 10 FSA rebels and 4 Turkish soldiers.

No reports of any YPG soldiers dying as of yet.

Turkey has vastly superior air capabilities, but this is starting to look a lot like Aegon Targaryen's failed conquest of Dorne...
I'd wait a little while. There is going to be casualties from air strikes at the minimum.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Interestingly, the Syrian army seems to be letting large numbers of Kurds cross the river from Jezirah and travel to Afrin to join the fight against the Turks.

I think it unlikely they'll be able to return.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think we need to drop some bombs on Turkey for these acts of aggression. Turkey is offended all by itself, and has their own agenda. And here we have it.
As much as I'd love to see it, I think they're still holding American nukes over there.

member 3289


Turkey has taken a few villages but has also been repelled from a few that they had taken.

Turkey is demanding that the U.S. end its military partnership with the YPG now that the war against IS is over (it's technically not but anyway), which I don't think is likely to happen.

It's not that I think my country will feel honor-bound to the YPG for helping largely defeat IS in Syria. On the contrary, I think the U.S. would absolutely say "lol thanks but ur on ur own now bye" if it were in the country's strategic best interest...

But it's not. IS isn't completely gone and the ideology never will be. The Americans need partners on the ground and the Syrian Kurds have been without a doubt the most effective ground force against IS in Syria.

I don't know what's going to happen in Afrin, but I foresee the U.S. taking a middle ground, likely giving in to more of Turkey's concessions while still keeping the Syrian Kurds dependent in some way.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Hopefully the Kurds can declare thier own state now separate from all those psychos.

member 3289

Hopefully the Kurds can declare thier own state now separate from all those psychos.
They're most likely going to get significant autonomy within the greater Syrian state run by Assad.