I'll be honest...I saw the movie title and thought "this is some chic flick!". And already being familiar w/ Robbie Hart's poor taste in movies, I thought this was just another one he talking out his ass about. But after reading this, I'm going make it a point to watch this shit now.

It was written by Tarantino back in 93 right before he wrote and directed Pulp Fiction and directly after directing Resevoir Dogs so it has the same style of dialogue and controversial subject matter. This was long before Tarantino jumped the shark and "lost the plot" both literally and figuratively.
The only problem is Tony Scott directed it and he was criticized by Tarantino himself for changing parts of the script and making it too "Hollywood." Up until this time Scott was responsible for Blockbusters like Beverly Hills Cop II, Top Gun and Days of thunder so it was an interesting choice for the kind of subject matter. Even later before he purposely drove off a bridge he perfected his speed editing technique and made films like Man on Fire and Deja Vu showing he was always style over substance.
Still it's a must see but movie and even though it's unfair to compare it to an iconic film like Pulp fiction aside for a few scenes it just lacks the raw, gritty and fresh feeling throughout the movie that Pulp Fiction possessed. That film was a once in a lifetime movie that changed the way many things were done and introduced many imitators. As a fan of both movies you are left wondering just how much better it could have been with Tarantino responsible for his own brilliant script instead of someone else's interpretation.
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