Good shit man. Gonna look it up.Vulpeck's new one "The Beautiful Game" has been on heavy rotation since it came out.....their bassist, Joe Dart, is a motherfucker
Plus, the guy playing Wurlitzer (at the :43 mark) kind of looks like Johny Hendricks if he knew how to properly diet
Reminds me of these guys...Vulpeck's new one "The Beautiful Game" has been on heavy rotation since it came out.....their bassist, Joe Dart, is a motherfucker
Plus, the guy playing Wurlitzer (at the :43 mark) kind of looks like Johny Hendricks if he knew how to properly diet
That is some fantastic playing by a guy who doesn't get enough love for being a guitarist.Dusty
Vulpeck's new one "The Beautiful Game" has been on heavy rotation since it came out.....their bassist, Joe Dart, is a motherfucker
Plus, the guy playing Wurlitzer (at the :43 mark) kind of looks like Johny Hendricks if he knew how to properly diet
I'd lying if I said I haven't mad more ridiculous jam sessions. Also that groove was tasty
I used to have such a crush on the one with the goggles on her head.back in the day I wrote a lot of great software to a lot of bad pop...
you got a good taste in music sir