Just a part-time Army doc. I train medics though.
Largest branch has lowest standards absolutely.
Army has largest variation of areas to fill and can afford it.
How smart or fit does a fueller have to be? Not trying to be rude about it, but that's a sort of metaphor.
I joke I wasn't strong enough to be a Marine or smart enough to join the Air Force
The reality is that the best branch depends on hour job. My navy doctor friends have swwweeettttt setups. Officer clubs and nice locations. As an Army doc, I have tons of options but nothing is so bad or so good.
My air force reserve friends are spending 'deployments' in nice hotels in central america while I train in a tent and shit in an over filled over jacked port a potty....but at least I'm not digging a hole, shitting in it, and sleeping in the other hole nearby that I dug for safe sleeping like
@Sophia_Helwani used to do.