What is the scariest situation you've ever been in?

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Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
So, sort of a counter part to the other thread I made, and inspired by my recent true crime reading spree...

If you are willing to share, what is the most terrifying experience(s) you've had to endure in life?

Have you ever had a near death experience? A gun pointed at you? A knife? Stabbed? Shot at? Robbed at home, at work? In an accident that you thought was going to cost you your life, or nearly as bad as that?

I'll post up a thing or two a bit later if this thread gets any traction. Thankfully, I've never been in too bad of a situation, but have been in some scary situations where I could have died.. but you could count those incidents on less than one hand. Not my idea of fun, lol.

Sooo... what do ya got for me, TMMAC?

PS: Glad in advance that you're still alive and kickin ;)


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Getting hit with ied's, mortars, rockets

Direct fire is no where near as scary as bombings and indirect fire.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Tool a shit on an old ied once in an irrigation ditch along a road. You know how clay when it dries up you get like cracked earth that you can pick up in chunks. Well I was picking up big chucks to cover my shit and thought I felt a wire, I ignored it, picked up 2 more and felt it again....... We sent the IA down to dig through my steaming pile of mre milkshake shit and get it.

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Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Getting hit with ied's, mortars, rockets

Direct fire is no where near as scary as bombings and indirect fire.
Not saying useful, but that bomb emoji was irresistible VET

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I had a 9mm bullet from a Tec 9 miss the top of my head by a few inches during a drive by as a kid, the hole it left on the wall is still there.

I was also almost drowned a few times in the pacific ocean.

a gunman with an AK -47 opened fire at the police about 30 feet from where I was standing.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Hydroplaned my Camaro on a 4 lane interstate, spun 360's for who knows how long...I remember seeing a semi come past as I was spinning and thought for sure I was dead...it missed somehow, and then I get hit head on by a car doing probably 60 mph, and it shot my car into a concrete barrier on the side. I have no idea how I survived that crash...and not only survived, but walked away with only some minor bruises. As the cops and tow trucks were doing their thing, I looked over the concrete barrier, and it was probably a 100-150 cliff. If I went over that, there would be no TMMAC today my friends. By far my closest near death experience.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015

It was my junior year in high school so me and some of my bros Matt jaggers,Nathan Pickle mind you nate is 25 and was our "Chauffeur" Lol he was a big homie who is like a big brother and a coach for us cuz he was a stud wrestler from new castle and wrestled also at IU...our families all knew eachother cuz around here wrestlling families stick together...Any ways were load up jaggers aunts van with 7 of us meat heads...we all head to Panama city beach...

On the way were are smoking trees and stop at a gas station..I get some donuts and get back in the van after few hours i pass out stoned only wake up about 2 AM...in waking i start looking for my donuts in which gave fallen under my seat..i rummage around and get them and smash3 of them immediately...mind you it's dark i can't see shit so i start licking the icing off my fingers..Hmmm this fucking icing is gritty and nasty... turn on the light And see fucking bearing grease all over my face...when searching for my donuts i had been touching the seat rails under the seat..which i assumed was icing and ate like a fucking idiot..

yea im a fool lol So few hours later were arrive at Panama and we get our hotel in which had to many people for...so we snuck all of us in...by day2 we had ripped the head board of the walls and the toilet was broke..yea my friends are destructive lol..any ways me and jaggers set of to get breakfast one morning...walk in front of this truck load of hillbilly jocks who start talking shit jaggers bout his sandals..this is before jaggers ever fought and was just a stud wrestler 213-11in high school be exact..i walk to the truck and ask what the fucking problem is..before the driver can respond i knock the ever loving shit out of him...he slumps forward and begins moaning..the passenger gets out we square up and i blast double him into his truck and drop him on his head..mean while jaggers is standing there in shock..i get off dude cuz theres a crowd gathering and we gingerly walk off as those turds speed off....

Fast forward day 5..we all get cleaned up and are going to the largest club in the US club La Vela...its huge place and all get in some, got fakes..18 was minimum had few under that... we all had pre drank and are feeling good..I start dancing with two fine ass Hawaiian girls who are in fact Bi sexual..I'm having time of my life dancing as fondling and being fondled by these two gorgeous falls..we all broke the number one rule when going out in a foreign place NEVER GO ONE ON ONE WHEN YOU HIT THE CLUB..

Im going to get a drink for me and my sure fire fucks that night as i see a friend from NC who wasnt in my group but was a friend, arguing with another Lurch looking fucker. They are on a stage and i can see them bickering so i make my way over to see what's up...well my buddy jumps off on the opposite side of where I'm at and this fucktard jumps of right in front of me...He begins to jump around like a fucking ape saying inaudible things..its dark lights are strobing..I say what's your problem and he makes a upper cut motion towards me..he barely punches me and takes off running...(he must have been ready to stab Cory)...

I start after him and i get the sharpest pain on my rib cage..i look down and see a softball sized knot squirting blood a foot out of my stomach..i am in shock and walk over to Nathan and he put his arm around me unaware I'm stabbed..i point down and i see a black man's face turn white in the dark... He gets a club employee and they drag me back into a room where they lay me down and i and laying in a puddle of blood in which mildewed the tongues of my shoes i bled so bad...as they are wheeling me out i see all my friends teared up yelling were gonna fucking get him Johnny..something out of the "Outsiders"...

welp the Bastard fled and was not caught hum in Ohio 6months later..that's a whole different story I'll tell yall after this novel sometime..In turn I arrive at the hospital in shock where the doctor finds out o have a approximate 7 to 9 inch puncture..it collapsed my lung,went through my liver and diaphragm...i was so lucky i was in good shape or death would have got me..i was hospitalized for 9days...funny party is it happened on April 1st and put parents thought it was a prank..shit i wish...Ill post pics of my scars...

a month later i was having itching on my scar and i snag my finger on something sharp..i realize the doctor left a staple in so i dig out out with needle noise pliers..that was my second beat death experience..Ill tell yall my spider bite story sometime also lol..all my friends say i should pout my life stories in a book... I tell you guys my past cuz you all seem like great guys and fans on the sport i love..its the least i can do for you REAL guys who are the reason I loved fight in the first place..I had no other choice guy...what else would a crazy bastard like me do..I had a wrestling scholarship and was Accepted to every college i applied to..and was 30th in my class of 270..i may seem like a nut but trust me i have a good head on my shoulders..I was emancipated at 16 and been on my own..Jaggers family pretty much took me in..i got so many stories this thread will go on for forever...Its a pleasure talking with youguys...

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Getting hit with ied's, mortars, rockets

Direct fire is no where near as scary as bombings and indirect fire.
pretty amazing how strong the can make an IED they cause some serious destruction, they use to tear up Hummers,TBI injuries are brutal too.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
swam with great white sharks while surfing/body boarding , lucky for me they were far away ,this was at el porto and sunset beach.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015

Through my rib cage puncturing my liver and lung

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015

It was my junior year in high school so me and some of my bros Matt jaggers,Nathan Pickle mind you nate is 25 and was our "Chauffeur" Lol he was a big homie who is like a big brother and a coach for us cuz he was a stud wrestler from new castle and wrestled also at IU...our families all knew eachother cuz around here wrestlling families stick together...Any ways were load up jaggers aunts van with 7 of us meat heads...we all head to Panama city beach...

On the way were are smoking trees and stop at a gas station..I get some donuts and get back in the van after few hours i pass out stoned only wake up about 2 AM...in waking i start looking for my donuts in which gave fallen under my seat..i rummage around and get them and smash3 of them immediately...mind you it's dark i can't see shit so i start licking the icing off my fingers..Hmmm this fucking icing is gritty and nasty... turn on the light And see fucking bearing grease all over my face...when searching for my donuts i had been touching the seat rails under the seat..which i assumed was icing and ate like a fucking idiot..

yea im a fool lol So few hours later were arrive at Panama and we get our hotel in which had to many people for...so we snuck all of us in...by day2 we had ripped the head board of the walls and the toilet was broke..yea my friends are destructive lol..any ways me and jaggers set of to get breakfast one morning...walk in front of this truck load of hillbilly jocks who start talking shit jaggers bout his sandals..this is before jaggers ever fought and was just a stud wrestler 213-11in high school be exact..i walk to the truck and ask what the fucking problem is..before the driver can respond i knock the ever loving shit out of him...he slumps forward and begins moaning..the passenger gets out we square up and i blast double him into his truck and drop him on his head..mean while jaggers is standing there in shock..i get off dude cuz theres a crowd gathering and we gingerly walk off as those turds speed off....

Fast forward day 5..we all get cleaned up and are going to the largest club in the US club La Vela...its huge place and all get in some, got fakes..18 was minimum had few under that... we all had pre drank and are feeling good..I start dancing with two fine ass Hawaiian girls who are in fact Bi sexual..I'm having time of my life dancing as fondling and being fondled by these two gorgeous falls..we all broke the number one rule when going out in a foreign place NEVER GO ONE ON ONE WHEN YOU HIT THE CLUB..

Im going to get a drink for me and my sure fire fucks that night as i see a friend from NC who wasnt in my group but was a friend, arguing with another Lurch looking fucker. They are on a stage and i can see them bickering so i make my way over to see what's up...well my buddy jumps off on the opposite side of where I'm at and this fucktard jumps of right in front of me...He begins to jump around like a fucking ape saying inaudible things..its dark lights are strobing..I say what's your problem and he makes a upper cut motion towards me..he barely punches me and takes off running...(he must have been ready to stab Cory)...

I start after him and i get the sharpest pain on my rib cage..i look down and see a softball sized knot squirting blood a foot out of my stomach..i am in shock and walk over to Nathan and he put his arm around me unaware I'm stabbed..i point down and i see a black man's face turn white in the dark... He gets a club employee and they drag me back into a room where they lay me down and i and laying in a puddle of blood in which mildewed the tongues of my shoes i bled so bad...as they are wheeling me out i see all my friends teared up yelling were gonna fucking get him Johnny..something out of the "Outsiders"...

welp the Bastard fled and was not caught hum in Ohio 6months later..that's a whole different story I'll tell yall after this novel sometime..In turn I arrive at the hospital in shock where the doctor finds out o have a approximate 7 to 9 inch puncture..it collapsed my lung,went through my liver and diaphragm...i was so lucky i was in good shape or death would have got me..i was hospitalized for 9days...funny party is it happened on April 1st and put parents thought it was a prank..shit i wish...Ill post pics of my scars...

a month later i was having itching on my scar and i snag my finger on something sharp..i realize the doctor left a staple in so i dig out out with needle noise pliers..that was my second beat death experience..Ill tell yall my spider bite story sometime also lol..all my friends say i should pout my life stories in a book... I tell you guys my past cuz you all seem like great guys and fans on the sport i love..its the least i can do for you REAL guys who are the reason I loved fight in the first place..I had no other choice guy...what else would a crazy bastard like me do..I had a wrestling scholarship and was Accepted to every college i applied to..and was 30th in my class of 270..i may seem like a nut but trust me i have a good head on my shoulders..I was emancipated at 16 and been on my own..Jaggers family pretty much took me in..i got so many stories this thread will go on for forever...Its a pleasure talking with youguys...
thats brutal I have been "sliced" but never stabbed,I had some staples put in too hurt like hell.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Told you on more than one occassion ECC170 @ECC170, you're lucky to be alive bro. Glad you're here with us homie, and I hope that karma catches up to that POS.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Told you on more than one occassion ECC170 @ECC170, you're lucky to be alive bro. Glad you're here with us homie, and I hope that karma catches up to that POS.
You COULDN'T get rid of me of i had,a IV of Antibiotics :D...my spider bite was worse on a pain level..

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Playing phone tag with my wife for a few days due to poor reception when I was out of town working. Finally got a message saying our sons in the hospital, when I call the hospital they tell me my sons being prepped to go into the OR and they don't know whats going to happen. Long story short his appendix burst right around his 2nd birthday. They did all sorts of xrays and ultrasounds but couldn't see what was causing him all the pain. Once they cut him open it was business as usual and it well pretty good. My work flew my back asap and I was there shortly after the operation to see him, I've looked at things a little different since then, its incredibly scary when you find out your kid is going under and they don't know why or what the out come will be.

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
Almost dying because of the flu vaccine I was FORCED to take. Was calling family telling them my goodbyes and my ex wife sobbing next to me.. it was fucking insane.. I could feel my soul leaving my body and it came back soon as I was fully hydrated.. 2 full IVs in me over a 10 minute period. was fucking insane.


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
Playing phone tag with my wife for a few days due to poor reception when I was out of town working. Finally got a message saying our sons in the hospital, when I call the hospital they tell me my sons being prepped to go into the OR and they don't know whats going to happen. Long story short his appendix burst right around his 2nd birthday. They did all sorts of xrays and ultrasounds but couldn't see what was causing him all the pain. Once they cut him open it was business as usual and it well pretty good. My work flew my back asap and I was there shortly after the operation to see him, I've looked at things a little different since then, its incredibly scary when you find out your kid is going under and they don't know why or what the out come will be.
Jesus. So glad he's okay. I had an emergency appendectomy as an adult and it hurt like hell; you have one tough little dude.


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
This is a lame story compared to being shot at and stabbed, but anyway. When I lived in Vancouver I was out with some friends. Had to work early so left cold sober around midnight to walk back to my apartment. I lived downtown, which is densely populated and busy late, so this 5'2 107 pounder felt okay walking home alone.

Hit this shady quiet part of the block right before my apartment and a guy pushing a bike, young preppy guy with blond hair, rolls out from a walkway into my path. He smiles apologetically, I smile too, start to go around and then he moves that way. And then the other direction, feints me kinda. Still grinning.

My heart started hammering. I stopped. He stopped too. I was so scared that it enraged me, and I crouched down, kinda like a wrestler, and started making this growling sound. This is embarrassing and purely instinctive. But I was furious at this Soc asshole and at myself for being runty and at the mercy of this preppy creep.

He stared at me for a minute and I thought at him as hard as I could, "It'll cost you, motherfucker." And then he smirked and rode into the street like it had all been some big misunderstanding. But it didn't feel like that at all. And I'm a very logical, unemotional chick.

I think my boxing coach brother is still looking for him around Vancouver, haha.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
When I had a shotgun put in my face. My teammate and I were co-captains of our wrestling team and we decided to go for a run off the beaten track and ended up on a road not used by the others for running. Hick pickup truck rolls by, hicks scream fuck you pussies, my teammate gives them the middle finger, truck jams on the brakes, backs up, out come the passengers, remove the shot guns from the back of the truck, put one shotgun to my face, the other in his face and made us apologise while calling us pussies and little fags, demeaning the shit out of us. I didn't literally shit myself but was damn close to it. We agreed we just forget about it and never bring it up to anyone again.......


When I was 14 -18 I used to hang with a cholo gang in East Houston. (I'm white by the way) I have no idea what I was doing. (I'm 37 now) I was in some strange house and my boy was banging out some freak and I was watching (i was 16) her old man comes home so I trip out (think i'm bout to get whooped) don't know what to do my boy weasels out some how. Meanwhile ,I'm chillin in the back room old dude comes in the bedroom and finds me in his house . Turns out it is my nephews t ball coach he really never asked what I was doing in his house. He's friendly as could be and tells me my nephew "is making real progress swinging the bat" .Whole thing was strange.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
This is a lame story compared to being shot at and stabbed, but anyway. When I lived in Vancouver I was out with some friends. Had to work early so left cold sober around midnight to walk back to my apartment. I lived downtown, which is densely populated and busy late, so this 5'2 107 pounder felt okay walking home alone.

Hit this shady quiet part of the block right before my apartment and a guy pushing a bike, young preppy guy with blond hair, rolls out from a walkway into my path. He smiles apologetically, I smile too, start to go around and then he moves that way. And then the other direction, feints me kinda. Still grinning.

My heart started hammering. I stopped. He stopped too. I was so scared that it enraged me, and I crouched down, kinda like a wrestler, and started making this growling sound. This is embarrassing and purely instinctive. But I was furious at this Soc asshole and at myself for being runty and at the mercy of this preppy creep.

He stared at me for a minute and I thought at him as hard as I could, "It'll cost you, motherfucker." And then he smirked and rode into the street like it had all been some big misunderstanding. But it didn't feel like that at all. And I'm a very logical, unemotional chick.

I think my boxing coach brother is still looking for him around Vancouver, haha.
Whoa FeeO @FeeO, tapping into your animal instinct