There's a lot of stuff like this, actually.
Used to be "stronger" words like "rape" would have to get censored. Now if they try to say "sexual abuse", they'll censor / silent out the "sexual" and leave in the "abuse". You see this a lot in EWU & other true crime youtube channels.
As was said above, using the word "covid", "pandemic", "vaccine", etc will often get you shadow-banned or demonetized.
Gun channels have been getting hit for quite a while.
There was a channel (I forget what) that did a lot of PED discussion - not recommendation, prescription, etc, but just discussing them, how they worked, side-effects, etc. They did a video on the shit Rich Piana was allegedly taking when he died and I think it demonetized their whole channel.
On a different type of level, my business / income revolves around sending email newsletters, and the kinda hoops I jump through to avoid spam filters, automatically getting sent to promotions tabs, etc is kinda nutty.