General What the hell is with this unalive bullshit

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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Saw a post about someone that killed themselves on facebook but they unalived themselves.

Saw something about a husband that killed his wife on a local scanner page, he unalived her.

Have we become so soft that we need safewords to describe the dark side of society.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
It comes from youtube and Facebook censorship.
Same reason people say "the coof" instead of covid. Autobots were in full force and that's automatic demonetized or freeze/ban.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
People putting out Youtube videos have been saying unalived to allude to suicide, because if they come out and say suicide then Google will demonetize their videos.

It spreading to your facebook & scanner examples, I would assume, is the typical combination of stupid kids and older people trying to be 'hip' that always perpetuates this nonsense.

TLDR, started in order to keep the money flowing, spread due to faggotry


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Wild @Wild would never sell us out like that. Plus, he'd have to delete all the Jew threads first.
I’m the retaining wall that Jewish propaganda, liberalism, and progressives crash up against. I’d rather stand on my convictions, and be broke & friendless if necessary.

“My balls & my word is all I got, and I don’t break em for nobody” - Tony Montana


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
my favorite was when i learned from my son trolling roblox and minecraft ...... neck rope yourself ......and commit vertical tortilla chip


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
There's a lot of stuff like this, actually.

Used to be "stronger" words like "rape" would have to get censored. Now if they try to say "sexual abuse", they'll censor / silent out the "sexual" and leave in the "abuse". You see this a lot in EWU & other true crime youtube channels.

As was said above, using the word "covid", "pandemic", "vaccine", etc will often get you shadow-banned or demonetized.

Gun channels have been getting hit for quite a while.

There was a channel (I forget what) that did a lot of PED discussion - not recommendation, prescription, etc, but just discussing them, how they worked, side-effects, etc. They did a video on the shit Rich Piana was allegedly taking when he died and I think it demonetized their whole channel.

On a different type of level, my business / income revolves around sending email newsletters, and the kinda hoops I jump through to avoid spam filters, automatically getting sent to promotions tabs, etc is kinda nutty.