General What to do...? (Cooking)

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The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
I have boneless chicken thighs, andoulllie, vidalia onion, a variety of peppers....everything I need for a tasty 'jambalaya". I dont use a traditional rue, but it is still always delicious. Should I use the mussel broth from yesterday in the braising liquid for the sausage and chicken or use it in the rice?


Jun 23, 2015
I have boneless chicken thighs, andoulllie, vidalia onion, a variety of peppers....everything I need for a tasty 'jambalaya". I dont use a traditional rue, but it is still always delicious. Should I use the mussel broth from yesterday in the braising liquid for the sausage and chicken or use it in the rice?
In the rice. Use it like you’re making risotto adding it ladle by ladle letting it cook down while stirring so the rice is nearly dry before adding more. Wooden spoon, no metal implements.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Jambalaya doesnt have mashed potatoes. Maybe the rice...
That could work. Get a tiny little drill bit and drill a tiny little hole through a single grain of rice and put your dick in that.